Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Who Compose The Grand Lodge of Califorina

posted by admin
May 14, 2015

QUESTION:  Who compose the Grand Lodge of California?

ANSWER:  Masonic Code Section §20.000. MEMBERS defines the membership of the Grand Lodge.  They are as follows:  (A) Elective and appointive Grand Lodge Officers; (B) Past Grand Officers; (C) Masters, Senior Wardens and Junior Wardens of chartered Lodges; and (D) Past Masters collectively of each chartered Lodge.


QUESTION:  Who compose the voting members of the Grand Lodge of California?

ANSWER:  Masonic Code Section §403.075. VOTESidentifies those able to vote in Grand Lodge.  They are as follows:


Except as provided in Sections 403.080 and 403.085 of this Code, the following shall each be entitled to one vote only:

A.    Elective and appointive Grand Lodge Officers except the Grand Tiler and the Assistant Grand Tiler; (total of 31 votes)

B.    Past Grand Officers; (total of 35 votes)

C.    Masters, Senior Wardens and Junior Wardens of chartered Lodges (total of 975 votes); and

D.    Past Masters collectively of each chartered Lodge (total of 325 votes).


As you can see a majority of the voting authority at Grand Lodge (95%) rests collectively with the lodge Masters, Wardens and their Past Masters.


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