Masonic Life Network

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In Memory of Michael D. Musgrove

posted by admin
March 4, 2012

Worshipful Frank Lee & I along with hundreds of others attended the Service for Worshipful "Dad" Mike Musgrove at the Covina Christian Church. The heartfelt Eulogy was given by Worshipful Brethren Mark Sandstrom & Raymond Davies. There was a DeMolay and Masonic Service for Worshipful Mike who gave so much to our Masonic Family. Worshipful Sandstrom had mentioned that if everyone in attendance told a story about an experience they had with Dad Musgrove that we would be there for a month. He was right. There was standing room only. Three people were chosen to speak about Worshipful Musgrove. They eloquently spoke for everyone. Every word spoken by those involved in the Service came from the heart and soul. There were not many dry eyes in the building.

In his 41 years of life Dad Musgrove touched and made a difference in the lives of everyone he met. He was amazing! I listened to the stories about this man and thought of that Perfect Ashlar that we all strive to become. The difference is that this Mason was that "Perfect Ashlar." If there is such a thing as a person reaching that goal then it had to be Mike Musgrove. Words cannot even begin to tell you the effect that he had upon those he touched. His impact will be seen and passed on for generations to come. The Church was full of people who crossed paths with Dad Mike. One would have had to be there to even imagine how many people he touched with his love and affection. The 300+ people in attendance, was testimony to how Mike Musgrove lived his life.

Our condolences to the family; Dad Mike will be missed but his memory and his good works will live on forever.


Manny Blanco

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