Operation Literacy Committee At Work
Dave Hall, P.M.
As the sun lowered in the west on the eve of last weekend, Div VIII committeemen sat at their laptops busily searching for photographs and icons that will convey the important message of our 2012 program Operation Literacy in partnering with the Grand Master’s project “Raising A Reader”. As some searched, others worked on articulative narrations for their various tableaus. Why? What is so important to the Masons of Division VIII that many willingly sacrifice their personal time to prepare a program for the Grand Master’s project?
1% Improvement In Literacy Scores Increases Productivity
It has recently been documented that improvement in literacy scores demonstratively increases productivity. The Grand Master’s Project “Raising A Reader” is worthwhile because it will help our underprivileged children make that quantum leap from their present futility to a successful future in life’s achievements.
Division VIII Masons have raised the bar every year in sponsoring programs that partner with the Grand Masters’ projects – all of them very worthwhile. All Masons get involved because this is what Masons do!
Division VIII Masons want you and all Masons to join us in making Operation Literacy a success. We are working hard but it will only be a success if you join us – boots, shoes, and saddle! The real success is when our kids have the books and their mentors’ interest achieved in Raising A Reader.
Tags: division 8, freemasonry, fundraiser, grand master, literacy, masonry, masons, operation literacy, raising a reader