Masonic Life Network

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Cornerstone At Barstow Community Hospital

posted by admin
May 9, 2012


On April 4, 2012, the Barstow Boron Lodge # 682 hosted the Grand Lodge of the State of California for a Cornerstone ceremony for the new Barstow Community Hospital.  This was the culmination of two years of hard work and coordination for this auspicious event.  Grand Lodge opened at 10:00 AM and allowed the public in at 10:45, where the Grand Master and the Barstow Master provided updates on the happenings of their respective organizations.  The Barstow Boron Lodge presented the Grand Master with a gavel and sounding block made out of desert mesquite, which was hand made by Merrill Gracey, Past Master of the lodge.  The lodge also presented Jeanie Loui with a beautiful bowl made out of bass wood, which was made by the inspector of the 802nd Masonic District, George Whitmore.

A fabulous lunch followed which was prepared by the ladies of the Barstow Lodge and it did not disappoint, they did a wonderful job preparing the food as well as turning the dining room into a beautiful reception hall.  The Jobs Daughters, Bethel #341, who after participating in the March of Dimes walk early in the morning, served lunch to over 110 guests.

Everyone departed the lodge at 12:45 and proceeded to the Cornerstone site, which was held on the grounds of the new hospital.  The ceremony proceeded at 1:30 and the Grand Lodge conducted a superb ceremony, which included the reading of the time capsule contents.  Thirty-three organizations of the Barstow and surrounding communities provided 102 items to be placed in the Cornerstone time capsule, which is a true testament to the relationship between the Lodge and the community.  The Grand Orator gave a moving speech where he tied the legacy of the old hospital to the present and future of the new hospital which came to fruition by years of hard work and determination.  After the ceremony, the guests were treated to a tour of the state of the art facility and were able to see the product of over 25 years of planning and coordination.

Darrell Kemp – Master

Barstow Boron Lodge #682

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