Temescal Palms Lodge #314 held a Child ID program in the Old Navy Store at The Crossings Center, in Corona on Saturday the 15th. Identification sheets were made for 41 children during the course of the afternoon. Our Lodge believes this program is an excellent way to get visibility in the community and an opportunity for community service, even though the Grand Lodge no longer supports this program.
Submitted by,
Jim Nighswonger P.M.
See the video for more information about upcoming events in Division 8. If you have any questions, please contact the AGL, Frank Lee at allcingeye@aol.com. If you would like an upcoming event at your Lodge featured on our site, please send the information to my email address.
Frank Lee – AGL Division 8
Temescal Palms Lodge #314 had their Annual Deep Pit BBQ this last Saturday and it was attended by many from within and without the District. Brethren from Pomona Lodge #246, Glendora Lodge #404 and Chino Valley #427 also visited and joined with us for a great day of fellowship and fun. Temescal Lodge had for many years prior to the late 1980’s had a annual deep pit BBQ, three years ago the Lodge and their OES Chapter re-kindled this great event and it has grown and become better and better with each passing year.
This is a good example of how a good event if planned and organized properly can grow into a successful fun and profitable event, not only for the monetary benefit but also for the fellowship and camaraderie that is formed by such events. It takes many hours and many Brothers to orchestrate an event like this, and I thank all for their hard work. Great Job Brethren! And I thank all who attended.
Please take the time to see the photos of the Great event.
Submitted by: Walt McCurry