Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Temescal Palms Lodge has expanded it Widow’s program to include a personal visit to their homes. They will check on how they are doing and volunteer to help with any small projects they may need done.  The first visit was on January 26, 2013 to Susan Skipper, widow of Dennis Skipper, at her home in Corona.  She was very appreciative of the visit from the Lodge and they hope to get a work party together to repair some of her sprinklers.

The second visit, in February was with Betty Hillebrand.  Their visit included many stories about her home land of Scotland, how she served in the Royal Army in World Word II, and her journey to the States. She was very thankful that they came by and is looking forward to having more visits from members of the Lodge in the future, and will have tea ready for them on the next visit.

Submitted by:

Worshipful Master,  Micheal Padilla

Temescal Palms Annual Sweethearts Dinner

posted by admin
March 4, 2013


On February 9, 2013, The Temescal Palms Masonic Lodge had its 117th Annual Valentines Sweetheart Dinner and Dance at the Lodge. The Worshipful Master’s Timelessly Lovely Wife, Kelly Padilla, who was the only person present who has attended all of the previous 116 Valentines Sweetheart Dance’s, has assured all that this by far was the best ever!!! This year the group was smaller, but the most fun people were in full attendance, and they were inspired by an out of this world menu.
The Chefs were Brother Richard Panazzo and his wife.  The menu started out with Poached Pear and Candied Salad. I watched in awe as Brother Panazzo hand peeled the pears leaving not even the smallest detail to chance. The main menu consisted of your choice of Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Port Reduction Sauce or Poached Chicken Breast with white wine cream sauce. The main dishes were complemented by homemade mash potatoes and steamed vegetables. For Dessert, Mrs. Panazzo prepared fresh strawberries hand dipped in chocolate and decorated one at a time with artistic detail. The menu was truly inspirational, and lead to a night of merriment.
The Jobies served the hungry masses with happy smiles and danced the night away. Worshipful Robert Burger and his son were our Disc-jockeys and spun the tunes from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and more. They played “Single ladies” bringing the Jobies and all the ladies to their feet. Other songs that filled the dance floor included “The Electric Slide” and “Y-M-C-A” and those few that did not dance enjoyed themselves with the fun tunes and comic antics of those that really got into “Strutting their stuff!”  Kelly Padilla supplied inspiration by tending the wine bar.  Exotic reds and whites and even Champagne poured freely throughout the night. Before the night was through, a few even broke out in song.
Check the photographs for yourselves on Facebook. This was our best ever Valentines Dinner and Dance.  Brother Panazzo assures me he had so much fun, that he will prepare the culinary delights again for us next year. So, plan in advance on joining us in 2014 for the next Sweetheart Dinner when we will make even more special memories.


Worshipful Master Micheal Padilla


The largest assembly of Past Masters in the 822nd district resulted in a fine evening on November 14. The event  held  at  Evergreen Lodge began with a  salad ,steak , baked potato, masonic beans, and a homemade dessert  all  prepared  by  Lynnette Channon and  Greg Covel.  Evergreen officers opened lodge earlier. There  were 41 Masons  in attendance  with  21 being  Past Masters from  4 Lodges:   Evergreen,  Riverside, Temescal/Palms, and  Moreno Valley as  well as one from Scotland and one from Nevada who are now affiliated with  Lodges in  our  district. Past  Grand  Master , William Holsinger  was  present and  was  Chaplain; Lee  Whelan  led the  first  section as  Master  while  Vic Ropac led in the  second section, John Channon  gave the lecture and  Antonio Apostol , the  charge. The  candidate , Max Diaz, who  wore  tails  for the event, was  most  appreciative of the opportunity to be raised  by  a group  of  all  Past Masters. The  officers  for the degree were as  follows:

Evergreen Master & MC                     Greg Covel

Senior Warden –                                    Vic Ropac

Junior Warden –                                    Jack Ree

Treasurer –                                             Jim Mason

Secretary –                                             Robert Gibb

Chaplain –                                             Bill Holsinger, PGM

Senior Deacon –                                   Gary Miller

Junior Deacon –                                    Rick Emmons / Manny Blanco

Marshal (charge)-                                Antonio Apostol Jr.

Senior Steward –                                   Lee Cleveland

Junior Steward –                                   Bob Barden

Tiler –                                                      Drew Gilkey

King Solomon –                                     Vic Ropac

Hiram of Tyre –                                      Erdean Johnson

1st base –                                                Jim Mason

2nd base –                                              Rick Emmons

3rd base –                                               Gary Miller

1st fellow craft –                                    Chuck Scalf

2nd fellow craft –                                  Lee Cleveland

3rd fellow craft (Senior Deacon) – Steve Morrison

Seafarer/Wayfarer –                           Dick Woods

Submitted by: John Channon Inspector of 822nd Masonic District



On the evening of Tuesday, November 13th, the Third Annual Public Service Appreciation Awards Ceremony was held at Temescal Palms Lodge #314, F&AM, located at 2313 South Main Street in Corona, California. The event honored public servants who go beyond their regular duties and give of themselves to the community with dinner and an award ceremony to present plaques and certificates of appreciation from the Masonic Lodge and City of Corona.

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. The purpose of Masonry is to find good men and make them even better. Masonry is premised upon the core values of brotherly love, truth and relief. The fraternity is actively involved in the community via charitable works and donations. In the United States alone, Freemasons donate over two million dollars each day to charity. The current 2012 Worshipful Master Robert Burger continued the tradition of the event that began two years ago during the tenure of past master Wor. Terri O’barr, retired firefighter from Long Beach Fire Department.

The event was again organized by two outstanding master masons, Chairman Michael Ackerman and Co-Chairman Scott Collins. In addition, the evening event was again hosted by master mason Paul Netland who served as Master of Ceremonies. The ceremony was again strongly supported by and attended by City of Corona Mayor Eugene Montanez. Also in attendance was both the Fire Chief for  Corona Fire department John Medina and Corona’s Chief of Police Michael E. Abel .

The events honorees were two outstanding women Lynn Mata ,Corona Fire Department and Lieutenant Shawn Dredla, Corona Police Department.

Ms. Lynn Mata, Emergency Services Coordinator, was nominated by the Corona Fire Department for her loyal and exemplary work ethic. Mata is not only the “go to” person for the city of Corona emergency response but is the liason to emergency services personnel and disaster relief programs nationwide. Fire Chief John Medina was very proud of the example set by recipient Lynn Mata and in her humble demeanor in receiving the award.

Lt. Shawn Dredla from the Corona police department recently retired after 30 years of excellence and dedication.  Lt. Dredla founded and supervised a Peer Support program for Corona police officers for over 20 years. In addition, she is a member of Soroptimist International of Corona and active community leader.  Police Chief Abel provided testimony to Dredla’s success in balancing life on the police force with a successful family life. Lt. Dredla’s husband and son attended the dinner and award ceremony to show support and appreciation.

Our appreciation and gratitude goes out to Temescal Palms Lodge No. 314, F&AM, City of Corona, the Mayor of Corona, and the Corona Fire and Police Department personnel who collaborated and dedicated time and resources into making this important community event a special celebration of excellence and pride. We look forward to continuing this tradition for years to come.

Submitted By:

Mastor Mason Scott Collins, Installed Marshall at Temescal Palms Masonic Lodge 2012


The “Hiram Award Program” is the official recognition of a Brother by his own Lodge for his devoted service to that Lodge and to Masonic principles in general. It is intended for the Brother who, year after year, displays his devotion without receiving special recognition or special honor. Every Lodge has many such members. They are the living cement that binds our Fraternity into a true Brotherhood. You will find them at labor in kitchens, the coaching rooms, the committees, their churches and communities – anywhere that a true and steady hand of assistance is needed.

The Hiram Award was designed to be presented to the “unsung hero” of every Lodge such as the volunteer who makes the coffee at each meeting, the one who sets the tables or arranges the furniture and ornaments in the Lodge room, the painter, the gardener, the handyman, the organist, the program chairman or any number of outstanding Brethren who consistently donate their time and talents to our beloved Fraternity or who have brought credit to the Craft by their community activities. The Hiram Award was launched in February of 1977 at Galt Lodge No. 267. That first year only one Hiram Award was presented. But it quickly caught on and in 1978 forty were presented and in 1979 two hundred and fifty were presented. By 1980, nearly all Lodges participated in granting a Hiram Award. The Brother who has been selected as a Hiram Award recipient is being singled out as your individual Lodge’s choice. This is the highest honor which can be bestowed upon a member that has unselfishly given of his time, talents and energy for the betterment of his Lodge and Freemasonry. The real warmth and pleasure of being chosen for this special honor is most satisfying, because it comes directly from the Brethren and friends he has accumulated within his community.

Temescal Palms Lodge #314 has chosen for its 2012 recipient for this prestigious award, Worshipful Brother Daniel J. Malinowski. Dan was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on June 6, 1960 in Tadmor Lodge #923, Queens, New York. He severed as its Master in 1969. Dan spent many of his early Masonic years traveling and working for the Mobil Oil Corp. When Dan finally settled down he did so in Corona and found his way to our humble lodge and we have been made better for it. Dan and his wife Evie have found a home at Temescal Palms and Dan started helping from day one and has not stopped. Dan is also a senior DeMolay and a Scottish Rite Mason of the Valley of Alexandria, Orient of Virginia. Dan, from day one, has helped out in the kitchen and has become our go to guy for dinners. He also helps whenever needed in our ritual, giving us a taste of New York ritual from time to time. Dan has been a constant help with educating and coaching our Candidates. Dan also helps with the operation of the Temple and the lodges Trustees.

Dan Malinowski exemplifies what it means to be a Mason, and I applaud him and welcome him to the ranks of those who cannot say no.

Congratulations Worshipful Brother Daniel J. Malinowski, Temescal Palms Lodge #314, 2012 Hiram Award recipient.


Submitted By:

Walter E. McCurry


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