Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Temescal Palms Annual BBQ

posted by admin
August 3, 2014

Temescal Palms Annual BBQ


Brother Bob Bequin was honored at Temescal Palms  Lodge in Corona for his 50 years of membership at a  dinner and presentation on  August 6, 2013. His bio was read by the Master of the Lodge, Worshipful Michael Padilla. Many members from the Corona Circle City Shirne Club were also in attendance, supporting their long time member.  Frank Lee, AGL of Division 8, presented Brother Bequin with his 50 year certificate and pin.

Submitted by:

Frank Lee – AGL Division 8


posted by admin
July 16, 2013

On July 13 & 14, 2013, the Grand Lecturer and the Grand Lodge Ritual Committee met at Temescal Palms No. 314 in Corona with two OUTSTANDING ritual teams: The “Stan Salter Memorial School of Masonic Instruction Ritual Team” under the direction of Worshipful Jack McEnterfer, and the Division 8 Ritual Team under the direction of Worshipful Robert Barden. The purpose of the meeting was to validate the content of the draft version of the Ritual Floor Work Manual. The Stan Salter Memorial School of Masonic Instruction Ritual Team exemplified the First and Second Degrees and the Division 8 Ritual Team exemplified the Third Degree. The ritual work performed by these two degree teams was absolutely flawless and allowed the Ritual Committee to ensure the upcoming final version of the Floor Work Manual would be easily understood by the Craft as a tool to refresh their memory relative to our floor work. The Grand Lecturer wishes to thank all those who participated in the exemplifications as well as to the Master of Temescal Palms Lodge, Worshipful  Michael Padilla, the Brethren of Temescal Palms Lodge who prepared and served our meals, their District Inspector, Worshipful John Channon, and their Assistant Grand Lecturer, Worshipful Frank Lee,  who coordinated this event. The Grand Lecturer says, “Thank you for your outstanding work to cement our ritual into the future. May God Bless all of you.”


Before 100-plus Brothers, family members, and guests, Tuesday evening April 23, 2013, Temescal Palms Lodge #314 Free and Accepted Masons honored eight Exemplary Students from seven of the CNUSD high schools, four Teachers of the Year, the Certificated, Classified Administrators of the Year, and the Classified, Confidential, and Site Support Employees of the Year.  Each honoree received Certificates of Recognition from the Lodge represented by Worshipful Master Micheal Padilla; the City of Corona represented by Mayor Jason Scott; Congressman Ken Calvert’s office; and State Senator Richard Roth represented by staffer Tyler Madary. The brethren of the Lodge also presented each student with an honorarium to be used toward future studies. Temescal Palms, in accordance with the Grand Lodge of California, has been conducting this program for over thirty years. In addition to honoring these fine representatives of the Corona-Norco Unified School District, the Lodge also partners with Vicentia Elementary School in Corona by donating to the school’s “Box Top for Education” program, and also collecting “pop top tabs” to donate to the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House, and recyclable plastic bottles to raise funds for the Grand Master’s Literacy Project. Brother Dennis J. Brandt, Chair of the Public Schools Observance committee, states that this program continues to be one of several important Lodge sponsored public service events.

Spring Tea


The Job's Daughters Bethel 140 Corona are sponsering a Ladies Tea on Sunday, May 5, 2013 from 2 to 4 P.M..  The cost is $10.00 per person and everyone is invited.  Ladies may bring daughters, grand daughters, great grand daughters, friends and neighbors.  Please RSVP by either calling 951-737-2013 or emailing to by April 29th.  Hope to see the room full of ladies.


Jim Nighswonger P.M.


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