Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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Sketch Williams – Hey-Yo

posted by admin
May 11, 2016

Sketch Williams - May 14, 2016

Be Burn Awareness February 7-13

posted by admin
February 5, 2016


The kitchen is a wonderful time with your kids – preparing and cooking meals together can be fun!

But scalds and burns caused by outlets, stoves, and ovens can happen in an instant, so the kitchen is also one of the most important places to "Be Burn Aware".

During Burn Awareness Week (February 7-13), please review and share these tips on electrical, scald, and fire safety to help keep kids burn-free.

– Place covers on all electrical outlets.

– Unplug all electrical devices within a child's reach.

– Come indoors and stay there during an electrical storm.

– Lower the temperature settings on water heaters to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

– When filling the bathtub, turn on cold water first, and then mix in warmer water carefully.

– When cooking, turn pot handles to the back of the stove.

– Never leave food that is cooking unattended; supervise children's use of the stove, oven, or microwave.

– Keep matches and lighters locked up and away from children.

– Do not place electrical cords or wires under rugs, over nails, or in high traffic areas.

Christmas in July at Evergreen Lodge 259

posted by admin
August 2, 2015


I would like to thank all of those Brothers and Sisters that came out to Evergreen Lodge this past Saturday. Through your generous support and hard work, Evergreen had one of the most successful events to happen in a very long time. We were able to collect 22 pints of blood. This is double the amount from our last Blood Drive two years ago. And as of yesterday, there have been 1,143 toys donated, totaling and estimated $7,200 – and more donations are still coming in.

There is something beyond all of these wonderful accomplishments that also transpired this weekend.  There were so many Brothers and Sisters in attendance that an accurate head count would be impossible  The parking lot was full. The foyer was full. There was standing-room-only in the dining hall. There was interest and support from the community. The mayor and congressman paid a visit.  A car club stopped by, donated toys, then stayed to show off their rides and draw a crowd. There was a genuine buzz in the air. People were excited, smiling, and having a good time. I am often asked what Freemasonry is all about, and sometimes that can be hard to put into words. Ladies and Gentlemen, Saturday was a shining example of what Freemasonry is all about: coming together in support and for the benefit of the greater good. This is a good time to be a Mason.

I'll add to this  . . .   that the toys will be delivered  to  the  Shrine Hospital in Los Angeles this week by the  Ladies of the Oriental Shrine assisted by the Jobs Daughters .




The Shrine Circus is here, Friday April 5 though Sunday April 7. They are looking forward to a very successful Circus.They are adding some new rides, attractions, and food. There will be some surprises at the openings of some shows, too. See video for more info. or visit for more infomation on the Circus.

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