Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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  Frank Lee
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EA Degree for Dr. Norwood at Evergreen Lodge 259

posted by admin
July 27, 2017


On July 26, 2017

A very well-attended EA degree for Dr.  Norwood, included visitors from Redlands lodge and a moving lecture given by our chaplain  Mike.

BBQ at the VA Hospital in Loma Linda

On Saturday, May 26, 2012 Moreno Valley Lodge #804, had their 13th annual BBQ at the VA Hospital at Loma Linda. This year all three Lodges of the 818th Masonic District, Redlands Lodge #300, Fellowship Lodge #668 and Moreno Valley Lodge #804 participated, along with the Jobs Daughters Bethel and the DeMolay Chapter from Moreno Valley.  There were booths with Civil War re-enactment actors and even a band in full Civil War uniforms.  Three service therapy dogs, that were originally rescued and trained by Moreno Valley Lodge member Johne Johnson, also joined in greeting the patients, staff and visitors.

The lunch included barbequed hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, desserts and soft drinks. According to one of the original organizers of the BBQ, Dyane Terkildsen, member of Moreno Valley Lodge, who’s wife works at the hospital, the hospital has an average of 200 veterans at all times. They estimated that they would serve 500 guests, which included patients, staff, Masons and friends. This event, which was free to everyone that attended, is one of the only events that feed the staff and visitors.

Along with many members from District #818, and their youth groups, many of the Grand Lodge family were present, including the Grand Master, Frank Loui and his wife Jeanie, the Jr. Grand Warden, Russ Charvonia, his wife Linda, Assistant Lecturer of Division 5, Lynn Wallingford with his wife Charmaine, AGL of Division 8 Frank Lee and his wife, Lewrana and the Grand Marshal Al Weisser.

We know the patients at the hospital look forward every year, to this day, that honors their dedication and sacrifices to our country as much as they look forward to the Monday Night Football parties that are also hosted by Moreno Valley Lodge each fall. We salute the Lodge for their dedication to our Veterans.

Submitted by:

Frank Lee AGL Division 8

Five Lodges Perform Third degree

posted by admin
March 29, 2012


This group picture was taken after the Third Degree for Bro. Hani Gabriel at Yucaipa Fellowship Lodge No. 668, on the evening of March 20.  Five different Lodges were represented at the degree, Hemet, Redlands, San Jacinto, Temescal Palms, and Fellowship.  Congratulations to Fellowship Lodge on the raising of their new Brother.

D8 Today Report

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