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Chino Valley Reads Across America

posted by admin
March 4, 2012

On February 29th   six officers of our Lodge, and our Division’s Assistant Grand Lecturer, Frank Lee, participated in the program "Reading Across America", at Edwin Rhodes Elementary School in Chino. Those from Chino Valley Lodge were, Master-Manny Blanco, PM, Jr  Warden-John Cover Spear, PM, Secretary-Phillip Stekel, Sr Deacon-Jim Duran and Sr. Steward-Stanley Briones.


What a very proud and important day this was for our Lodge. We were very excited to participate in this important community event.  From 9:30 to 11:30 AM, each one of the participants went to their assigned rooms to read. Books were provided, or the "readers" could supply their own.  As we each introduced ourselves, we each, in our own way, described the importance of learning to read, both for the student and their families. We each read a story to the class and I found that the book I chose was the perfect book to read for my particular class. The students were so excited to meet us and have a story read to them.   And, from the look I saw on the teacher's face in the room I was in, she was very pleased as well. The students were well behaved and were very attentive to the story being read. The reaction in each room was one of thanks and happiness!


I believe that there were 20 to 25 “readers” who participated in this important program, and I felt really blessed to have had the opportunity to spend this important time with the children.  You could see the happiness in their faces; feel the goodness that emanated from their hearts, as they listened very intently to the readers. I do believe this inspirational and exciting program positively affected many lives.  The members of Chino Valley Lodge were very grateful to have participated in the “Reading Across America” program at the Edwin Rhodes Elementary School.


Submitted by: John Cover Spear, PM, Chino Valley Lodge, D8 Reporter

Chino Valley Lodge Reads Across America.

posted by admin
March 1, 2012

February 29, 2012

Brethren of Chino Valley Lodge today as part of a “Reading Across America” campaign to interest and promote reading to elementary school students visited Edwin Rhodes Elementary School. Edwin Rhodes was the founder of Chino Valley Lodge.

Senior Deacon Brother Jim Duran spearheaded the project and was able to gather the following Brethren in reading to various classes at the school:

Master of the Lodge Worshipful Manny Blanco, PM, Junior Warden Worshipful John Cover Spear PM, Senior Deacon Brother Jim Duran, Junior Steward Brother Stanley Briones, Secretary Brother Philip Stekel and the Assistant Grand Lecturer of Division 8 Worshipful Frank Lee who took time from his busy schedule to participate.

Principal of the school; Mr. Adam Bailey was highly enthusiastic and supportive of the volunteers from the Lodge. "We have developed a close and building relationship with Chino Valley Lodge. A garden was recently planted and now with the great show of support today by the Lodge members, we feel confident that the relationship with continue to flourish".

Reactions from the Brethren who participated were also enthusiastic. "It's not everyday that you get a chance to get involved on this level. It was a truly rewarding experience".

The "Reading Across America Project" is similar to the "Raising A Reader and Project Literacy" programs currently being endorsed by Grand Lodge of California, Division 8 and Chino Valley Lodge #427.


Brother Philip Stekel


Chino Valley Lodge #427

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