California Rainbow Girls had their annual convention, the past weekend March 31 – April 3, 2011, in Fresno, California. The theme this year was “A Rainbow Camporee in Nature’s National Parks”. The Grand Worthy Advisor was Megan Crowley, from Green Valley Assembly in Yucaipa. This years Grand Service Project was the San Diego Adaptive Sports Foundation, and they raised $72,746.64.
The Grand Master and the Grand Lodge officers attended the VIP/Grand Officer/Grand Family dinner on Sunday evening. The Rainbow Grand Officers included everyone in the camp songs and campfire stories.
Following the banquet, at the evening session, the Grand Master was escorted. The Grand Assembly room was lined with Master Masons’ wearing their Masonic aprons. It was quite an impressive site. The other Grand Lodge officers who were introduced were, Grand Chaplain Joseph Ross, the AGL of Division 4, Ricky Lawler, the AGL of Division 6, Cub Jack, the AGL of Division 8 Frank Lee, the Grand Marshall, Allen Weisser, the Sr. Grand Deacon, Mario Balbiani, the Jr. Grand Deacon, Victor Key, Jr, Sr. Grand Steward Runo Lemming, and the Jr. Grand Steward Thomas Thompson. There were also two Past Grand Master’s introduced, C. Ray Whitaker and Richard Wakefield Hopper.
The evening concluded with the announcement of the new Grand Officers for 2012-2013. The new Grand Worthy Advisor is Shelby Zimmerman from Diablo Valley. Rick Lawler’s daughter, Rebecca was appointed as the Dean to the Grand Cross of Color and Representative to Connecticut and Rhode Island. From our Division, Nicole Patterson from the Green Valley Assembly, in Yucaipa, was appointed to the Grand Executive Committee California Flag Bearer and Grand Representative to Aruba, Florida and Tennessee.