Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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On Wednesday, April 17, 2013, a thirty year tradition continued with Upland-Mt. Baldy and Ontario Lodges hosting their “Schools Night” at the Ontario Lodge. This night recognizes the public schools efforts to educate our children, and recognizes the students who have distinguished themselves through their scholastic achievement and citizenship,  Many officers and members arrived early to set up the Lodge and dining rooms with tables, chairs, and setting out food for the guests. There was a crowd of 186 parents, family, and students who attended.

During the course of the evening many of the District scholars were acknowledged for their successful scholastic and citizenship achievements. The turnout for the event was characterized as “bigger than ever”. The crowd of parents, family, students, and school staff were very appreciative of the support from Masons of both Lodges.

One of the highlights of the evening was a performance of the student Orchestra. They expertly performed a number of classic rock and movie themes, most notably, “Louie, Louie”. All of the students were impressive. The school teachers stories about what has happened in their classrooms were inspiring. It is obvious that the Mountain View School District has worked very hard to build that all important School-Student-Parent team.  The evidence is those children beaming with pride holding their awards for all of their hard work.

After the festivities, all retired to the dining room for snacks and drinks,  Everyone had a great time.


Jim Blum

School Appreciation Month at Ontario No. 301

posted by admin
June 1, 2012



Ontario Masonic Lodge No. 301, in Ontario, California, has a long standing tradition of support for the schools in our community.  Many years ago, the Vina Danks Middle school, located across the street from the Lodge had outgrown it’s auditorium facility and Ontario Lodge stepped up to offer our facility to host their awards events. Since, the Lodge had been offering scholarship funds for their outstanding scholars, for many years, it was a perfect fit.  On May 21st, 2012, Vina Danks held its annual awards night. 322 parents, students, and school staff attended the event, and they were packed into the Lodge Room.  During the awards presentation Worshipful Joseph Chancey presented the Frederick J. Glenn Memorial Scholarship checks to the top three Vina Danks scholars for this school year. The recipients were: Alexander Ambriz, $50.00 scholarship; Mireya Limon, $75.00 scholarship; and Gabriela Carrillo, $100.00 scholarship. In addition to that Jim Blum HA, Treasurer of Ontario 301 and Monarch of the Zula Grotto presented to Gabriela Crillo an invitation to her and her parents to attend a Quakes baseball game with the Zula Grotto. Jim also included mention of the history of Masonic support for public education and explained this year’s Grand Master’s Project and the Division 8 Operation Literacy Program. The entire Vina Danks family was invited to attend the Division 8 Operation Literacy Program to be held at the San Bernardino Valley of the Scottish Rite on Wednesday, June 20th at 6:00 PM. Also present at the ceremony were Daniel Jones, Secretary of Ontario 301, who has been instrumental in the development of an Algebra tutoring program for middle school students at Vina Danks. Dan is also the Master of Ceremonies for Zula Grotto.  In addition, showing there support for the cause were Paul Valdovinos, Senior Deacon for Ontario 301 and Chief Justice for Zula Grotto, and Robert Barrett who is the Ontario 301 Chaplain and Captain of the Guard for Zula.

J. Blum


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