On April 27, 2012 Edwin Rhodes Elementary School in Chino, held its’ annual school fair. In a true show of Brotherly love and unity, Chino Valley Lodge was joined with Brothers from Ontario and Upland/Mt. Baldy Lodges to man a Child I.D. booth. This program provides a document with a picture of the child, a thumbprint and space for the parent to fill in valuable information, which can be used in case of abduction.
During the event, we had over 130 children receive an I.D. document. Spearheading the program for the second straight year was Chino Valley Lodge's Senior Deacon Brother Jim Duran; who has two of his children attending the school.
Members from the Zula Grotto also had a booth, where they provided free toothbrushes to the children for their “Toothbrush Day”, in order to promote good dental care for all children. They also support the Supreme Council of North America’s humanitarian foundation that provides free dental care to children with developmental disabilities.
This event was a great success, not only for our Lodges but also for the elementary school.
Respectfully submitted and reporting for Division 8………
Brother Philip Stekel
Chino Valley Lodge #427