Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Big Bear Held Their 83 Annual Installation Of Officers

posted by admin
December 22, 2013


On December 16th Big Bear Lodge No. 617 held it's  83rd installation of Officers in a closed ceremony.

For those of you who have never visited the Big Bear Lodge, it is , as most Lodges, steeped in local history. The furnishings came from cedar trees on land cleared by Bill Knickerbocker who provided the original meeting place for Masons in Big Bear above his Carriage house. He was also the first keeper of the original dam that formed Big Bear Lake.

This years installation was conducted by Past Master AGL Frank Lee as Installing Officer; PM Inspector Lynn Parker as Master of Ceremonies; Installing Chaplin was PM and officers coach for Big Bear Lodge, Jim Weyant.  Also in Attendance were Worshipful Chet Olsen from Rim of the World and Inspector John Channon.

Installed for Masonic Year 2014 were: Johnny Wells – Master; Kevin Mc Hugh – Senior Warden; Joe Tambe PM – Junior Warden; Steven Combs PM – Treasurer; Robert Dow, PM – Secretary; Bruce Black – Asst Secretary; Eric Schwartz – Junior Deacon; and William Meyrs PM – Tiler.

The incoming Master invited all present to draw-up two memories: 1. The day the decided to become a Mason and all the feelings and dreams they had attached to this decision. 2. For those who were Past Masters; the first moment the too stood in the East and received the gavel. The dreams and goals they had for "their Lodge", the changes they were looking towards and the difference they were going to initiate to make Their Lodge more of force for good in the community. To remember not only the energy they were willing to expend to make these happen, but the rewards too attached to their successes.

He then encouraged all Masons to rekindle those feelings and dreams, because in the year to come, for the Lodge to continue to grow and prosper, we can use all the "Masters" we can find to make it happen.

Dessert in the Lodges' "Theatre" followed with good fellowship and camaraderie.

Johnny R Wells
Worshipful Master


Brother Bob Bequin was honored at Temescal Palms  Lodge in Corona for his 50 years of membership at a  dinner and presentation on  August 6, 2013. His bio was read by the Master of the Lodge, Worshipful Michael Padilla. Many members from the Corona Circle City Shirne Club were also in attendance, supporting their long time member.  Frank Lee, AGL of Division 8, presented Brother Bequin with his 50 year certificate and pin.

Submitted by:

Frank Lee – AGL Division 8


On Wednesday, April 17, 2013, a thirty year tradition continued with Upland-Mt. Baldy and Ontario Lodges hosting their “Schools Night” at the Ontario Lodge. This night recognizes the public schools efforts to educate our children, and recognizes the students who have distinguished themselves through their scholastic achievement and citizenship,  Many officers and members arrived early to set up the Lodge and dining rooms with tables, chairs, and setting out food for the guests. There was a crowd of 186 parents, family, and students who attended.

During the course of the evening many of the District scholars were acknowledged for their successful scholastic and citizenship achievements. The turnout for the event was characterized as “bigger than ever”. The crowd of parents, family, students, and school staff were very appreciative of the support from Masons of both Lodges.

One of the highlights of the evening was a performance of the student Orchestra. They expertly performed a number of classic rock and movie themes, most notably, “Louie, Louie”. All of the students were impressive. The school teachers stories about what has happened in their classrooms were inspiring. It is obvious that the Mountain View School District has worked very hard to build that all important School-Student-Parent team.  The evidence is those children beaming with pride holding their awards for all of their hard work.

After the festivities, all retired to the dining room for snacks and drinks,  Everyone had a great time.


Jim Blum


Before 100-plus Brothers, family members, and guests, Tuesday evening April 23, 2013, Temescal Palms Lodge #314 Free and Accepted Masons honored eight Exemplary Students from seven of the CNUSD high schools, four Teachers of the Year, the Certificated, Classified Administrators of the Year, and the Classified, Confidential, and Site Support Employees of the Year.  Each honoree received Certificates of Recognition from the Lodge represented by Worshipful Master Micheal Padilla; the City of Corona represented by Mayor Jason Scott; Congressman Ken Calvert’s office; and State Senator Richard Roth represented by staffer Tyler Madary. The brethren of the Lodge also presented each student with an honorarium to be used toward future studies. Temescal Palms, in accordance with the Grand Lodge of California, has been conducting this program for over thirty years. In addition to honoring these fine representatives of the Corona-Norco Unified School District, the Lodge also partners with Vicentia Elementary School in Corona by donating to the school’s “Box Top for Education” program, and also collecting “pop top tabs” to donate to the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House, and recyclable plastic bottles to raise funds for the Grand Master’s Literacy Project. Brother Dennis J. Brandt, Chair of the Public Schools Observance committee, states that this program continues to be one of several important Lodge sponsored public service events.

Texas Comes To Evergreen Lodge 259

posted by admin
April 30, 2013


The Third Degree for  Dave Garner  was  well attended on April 24.  Several members  of  Riverside Lodge as well  as  Moreno Valley were  at Evergreen Lodge for the conferral .  We even had  two brothers  from  Texas  (long -time friends  of Brother Garner)  who  came  all  this  way  to see  his  degree.  Dave was   particularly  impressed by the ritual of the fraternity.  Wor. Greg Covel led  the  first section , and  Wor.  Vic Ropac led  the second.   Pizza and  dessert and  various  presentations  followed in the dining room and  some  "words of wisdom" from each of the past masters .

John Channon

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