Picture #1-Is of a few of the Inspectors enjoying dinner on Friday evening.L to R (seated) George Whitmore, who is being reappointed as the Inspector of District #802, John Channon #822, Richard Davis #830, Chet Olson #814, Ted Morris #834, Herb Pompey #806, Walt McCurry, Division 7 District #733, Russ Baldauf #826. Standing in the back, Richard Harlan #810 and Dave Hall #818. (Picture by- Frank Lee A.G.L. Division 8)
Picture #2- The Grand Lecturer, Very Worshipful Jack M. Rose, preparing for the day.
Pictures #3, #4 & #5- Inspectors, in the Lodge Room, hard at work.
This past weekend, March 9th and 10th, Divisions 5,7,8, 9 and 10 had their Ritual Conference for all the southern Inspectors with the Grand Lecturer and their A.G.L‘s. The ritual work was exemplified at the Greenleaf Gardens Lodge in Whittier. I would like to extend my thanks to all of the Inspectors from Division 8 who came from near and far to attend.
This was the first Spring Conference in the south, with Very Worshipful Jack M. Rose at the helm as Grand Lecturer. It was a jammed packed weekend exemplifying all three degrees. The Inspectors of your Division continue to work hard to perfect the ritual, in order to return to their Lodges with the knowledge necessary to enhance the memberships experience in the Craft.
D8 Today Report – Frank Lee A.G.L. Division 8
On Sunday, March 4, 2012 at 12:00 Noon, the Orange County Masonic Officers Association presented their 10th Annual Orange County Reception for the Grand Master of Masons in California. This year they combined their reception with a fundraiser for the Grand Master’s project, “Raising A Reader”. Many of those in attendance traveled their directly from the L.A. Service Bureau’s Breakfast in Los Angeles to the reception at the DeMolay Center in Anaheim.
The reception hall was nicely decorated, in a colorful school theme, using balloons tied to school books on each table. The program included a silent auction, luncheon and musical entertainment by Clarence Urlich. Charles Cross gave the acknowledgements with Doug Eichen, AGL of Division X doing the introductions and presenting the Grand Master. The Grand Master was presented with a very unique gavel. It appears that the gavel floats above a section of the Golden Gate Bridge, which also included small cars crossing the bridge. The gavel and bridge was designed and crafted by Worshipful Ed Roberts.
For the second time that day, the Jr. Grand Warden was serenaded by the room singing “Happy Birthday”. All of those in attendance really enjoyed the afternoon.
The Los Angeles Masonic Service Bureau had their annual breakfast at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel on March 4, 2012. The Masonic Service Bureau was formed for the primary purpose of properly relieving the distress of Masons, who are members of Lodges in other areas of the State or members of Lodges in others states, that may need assistant while residing or visiting in the area of the Service Bureau. Additionally, they arrange for and conduct funerals for such Masons, visit sick sojourning Masons, operate a clearing house as to applicants for membership in local Lodges, make special investigations for Lodges when requested, and conduct other Masonic service activities that the Grand Lodge may direct in California.
This annual breakfast honored the Grand Master of Masons in California, The Most Worshipful Frank Loui. Congratulations to Michael Bear, A. Sherman Ostrom and, Jack McEnterfer AGL for Division 7 conducted an impressive program. Past Grand Master, R. Stephen Doan presented the Grand Master. There were many other Past Grand Masters also in attendance. There appeared to be over 500 Masons present, with Temescal-Palms Lodge being well represented, having brought two potential candidates and enough Brothers to fill two tables.
The Grand Master gave an inspiring message about his project for the year, “Raising A Reader”. We even had a little fun with everyone present singing “Happy Birthday” to the Junior Grand Warden, Russ Charvonia
Frank Lee, D8 Today, AGL Division 8
Evergreen Lodge had the opportunity to visit Pachappa Elementary School’s Open House on March 1st. The purpose of their visit was to present to the school a myriad of items and supplies. Among the items donated were; pencils, markers, pens, crayons, white boards, white board markers, and organizers desperately in short supply in this time of fiscal need.
Past master Drew Gilkey made a presentation retailing for about $10,000 on behalf of Evergreen Lodge and gave a short history regarding Masonry and its support of education over the years. Mrs. Kiersten Frausto, the principal of Pachappa, teachers, parents, and students all showed great appreciation and excitement.
The members of Evergreen are looking forward to repeating this act of service to our educational community for years to come and plans are already in place to support Pachappa Elementary again next year.
Gregory M. Covel
Worshipful Frank Lee & I along with hundreds of others attended the Service for Worshipful "Dad" Mike Musgrove at the Covina Christian Church. The heartfelt Eulogy was given by Worshipful Brethren Mark Sandstrom & Raymond Davies. There was a DeMolay and Masonic Service for Worshipful Mike who gave so much to our Masonic Family. Worshipful Sandstrom had mentioned that if everyone in attendance told a story about an experience they had with Dad Musgrove that we would be there for a month. He was right. There was standing room only. Three people were chosen to speak about Worshipful Musgrove. They eloquently spoke for everyone. Every word spoken by those involved in the Service came from the heart and soul. There were not many dry eyes in the building.
In his 41 years of life Dad Musgrove touched and made a difference in the lives of everyone he met. He was amazing! I listened to the stories about this man and thought of that Perfect Ashlar that we all strive to become. The difference is that this Mason was that "Perfect Ashlar." If there is such a thing as a person reaching that goal then it had to be Mike Musgrove. Words cannot even begin to tell you the effect that he had upon those he touched. His impact will be seen and passed on for generations to come. The Church was full of people who crossed paths with Dad Mike. One would have had to be there to even imagine how many people he touched with his love and affection. The 300+ people in attendance, was testimony to how Mike Musgrove lived his life.
Our condolences to the family; Dad Mike will be missed but his memory and his good works will live on forever.
Manny Blanco