Masonry is rooted in antiquity, ripened by modernity and harvested in eternity. Truly it is a growing and progressive science, ever unfolding new beauties as the men of every generation have explored its most
concealed recesses. Someone has aptly said: "The practical object of Masonry is the physical and moral amelioration and the intellectual and spiritual improvement of individuals and society. Masonry labors to improve the social order by enlightening men's minds." It is to our duty as Masons to improve the social order that I would direct your thinking today under the subject of the Third Step.
The Three Steps in a Masonic career expressed in the terms of our beautiful ritual are, initiation, passing and raising but I choose to denominate them Revelation, Education and Operation. These are the three progressive steps of a well-rounded Masonic career. Some Masons stop at the first step, initiation, when the meaning of our mysteries is revealed to them. Others take the second step – Education – by becoming proficient and learned in the art of Masonry and then stop. They fail to put into practical, daily living the lessons we teach. Important as these two steps are–and they must be taken before one is ready for the third step–it is the Third Step, Operation, that marks a man a Mason–what you do, how you live, what you stand for. Revelation, Education, Operation–these three–but the greatest of these is operation.
In our proceedings we frequently hear the phrase "We no longer work in operative Masonry." I wonder! Some assume that the only "Operative" Masons are those who build visible structures with stone and brick and steel, and concrete. Such, however, you know is not the case.
All of the symbolic ritual of our initiation and all of our learning, are as naught, however, if we do not take that third step in Masonry– Operation–whereby we put into practice those great truths, texts and principles which have been laid down as the rule and guide of our faith.
Excerpts from the Grand Oration of William B. McKesson, Grand Orator, California, 1947

Wor. Bardens Service
Brethren & Friends:
Walter E. McCurry P.M.