Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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On Saturday, September 1, 2012, Green Valley Assembly #220 held a reception for their Grand Officer, Nicole Patterson, Member of the Grand Executive Committee, California Flag Bearer, and Representative to Italy and Michigan. The podium in the east was beautifully decorated with a cascading rainbow of tulle, with a large golden image of the State of California resting on the rainbow.  The large audience included not only many present and past Rainbow Grand Officers, Rainbow Girls from other Assemblies, many past and present Mother Advisor’s and board members from other Assemblies, and two Assistant Grand Lecturer’s from the Grand Lodge of California. The honored member entered and was escorted through an arch of honor from the members of her assembly. The Rainbow and Christian flag were presented, along with the California flag, the Italy flag and the Michigan flag that also had tributes given to them. Presentations included a lot of laughter and Nicole received an exquisite quilt rack that was made by her grandfather in Texas, and a beautiful quilt which had quilt squares from the grand officers, members of her assembly and advisory board. Congratulations are also in order to Fellowship Lodge #668, for the obvious care they have taken in the maintenance of their Lodge. The outside of the building has recently received a new coat of paint, the square and compass are gleaming in the afternoon sun with its gold background and the parking lot was resurfaced and new parking lines painted. The building made a very impressive statement. Great job Green Valley Assembly!  Your pride for your Assembly and your Grand Officer shined brighter than the afternoon desert sun.

Chairman of the Board

Fontana Assembly

Lewrana Lee


Sonora League restarted it's Palm Springs Chapter. This evening at the Moreno Valley Chapter's meeting we Initiated it's first two members along with two new members for the Mo Val Chapter. It was one of the most exciting Masonic Family events I have ever had the honor of attending. There were Masons, Sweethearts, Princesses, Parents and Advisors from, Downey, Temecula, Hemet, my goodness, from all over in attendance. This young people who are running for office gave their election spiel and to be honest after listening to them I couldn't begin to speak. The future of the Masonic Family and our communities will be in good hands. Below is a Facebook post from Master Councilor. Facebook has a number of posts regarding the evening. Being an Advisor I knew I was going to attend an Initiation but did not know that there would be four young men being Initiated. Dad Galba Bright,
League Administrator and Allan Solis did a great job of putting the event together. Thank you for allowing me to share the event and thank tDivision VIII for it's support of Masonic Youth. If you could hear these young men and women speak you would all be as happy as I am tonight. Wow! G-d Bless you all.
Sincerely & Respectfully,
Manny Blanco,
Adult Advisor Order of DeMolay..

Sonora League Sweethearts Ball 2012

posted by admin
July 13, 2012


Sonora League does it again. Temescal Palms Lodge #314 and DeMolay Chapter hosted Sonora DeMolay League Sweethearts Ball in Corona June 30, 2012. It was an evening honoring Miss Lerina Galba-Bright of Moreno Valley Chapter – League Sweetheart and Miss Sarah Baker Moreno Valley Chapter Sweetheart. The hall was jammed to capacity with Sweethearts, Princesses and DeMolay’s from all over the Jurisdiction. The pretty young ladies of DeMolay dressed in their formals and tiaras were highlighted as they were escorted by league presidents and Master Councilors to the theme music ‘Titanic’. Our host, Worshipful Master Robert Burger was at the helm in providing music for the event.

BBQ at the VA Hospital in Loma Linda

On Saturday, May 26, 2012 Moreno Valley Lodge #804, had their 13th annual BBQ at the VA Hospital at Loma Linda. This year all three Lodges of the 818th Masonic District, Redlands Lodge #300, Fellowship Lodge #668 and Moreno Valley Lodge #804 participated, along with the Jobs Daughters Bethel and the DeMolay Chapter from Moreno Valley.  There were booths with Civil War re-enactment actors and even a band in full Civil War uniforms.  Three service therapy dogs, that were originally rescued and trained by Moreno Valley Lodge member Johne Johnson, also joined in greeting the patients, staff and visitors.

The lunch included barbequed hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, desserts and soft drinks. According to one of the original organizers of the BBQ, Dyane Terkildsen, member of Moreno Valley Lodge, who’s wife works at the hospital, the hospital has an average of 200 veterans at all times. They estimated that they would serve 500 guests, which included patients, staff, Masons and friends. This event, which was free to everyone that attended, is one of the only events that feed the staff and visitors.

Along with many members from District #818, and their youth groups, many of the Grand Lodge family were present, including the Grand Master, Frank Loui and his wife Jeanie, the Jr. Grand Warden, Russ Charvonia, his wife Linda, Assistant Lecturer of Division 5, Lynn Wallingford with his wife Charmaine, AGL of Division 8 Frank Lee and his wife, Lewrana and the Grand Marshal Al Weisser.

We know the patients at the hospital look forward every year, to this day, that honors their dedication and sacrifices to our country as much as they look forward to the Monday Night Football parties that are also hosted by Moreno Valley Lodge each fall. We salute the Lodge for their dedication to our Veterans.

Submitted by:

Frank Lee AGL Division 8


Yucaipa Fellowship Lodge #668 with the help of the San Gorgonio  and Yucaipa High Twelve Clubs tried their hand for the first time at  conducting a child id booth at the Yucaipa Iris Festival on May 18-20.   The clubs and the lodge mustered enough volunteer help to cover the 22 hours  over the three days.  In addition to the Masons, the Rainbow Girls,  DeMolay, and the Eastern Star also participated.  Less than 200 children  were id’ed, but that did not dampen the enthusiasm of everyone involved and  their hope to do it again.

Submitted by,

Bob Snyder – Senior Warden

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