The Job's Daughters Bethel 140 Corona are sponsering a Ladies Tea on Sunday, May 5, 2013 from 2 to 4 P.M.. The cost is $10.00 per person and everyone is invited. Ladies may bring daughters, grand daughters, great grand daughters, friends and neighbors. Please RSVP by either calling 951-737-2013 or emailing to by April 29th. Hope to see the room full of ladies.
Jim Nighswonger P.M.
The First Annual Gingerbread contest by Job's Daughters Bethel No. 264 of Evergreen Lodge was held on December 5, 2012. Each table had a great gingerbread house to decorate (provided by Pete Servantes a member of Evergreen Lodge).With theme's like: What were you thinking? Country Christmas, Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star, Most Jobs, Most decorated, etc; everyone had a great time
decorating their house. W. Frank Lee, was the judge and everyone went home with a prize and a certificate.
'Lynnette Channon
David B. Wehmeyer, Potentate would like to invite all Masonic related youth, ages 11 to 19, to the 21st Annual Costume Halloween Youth Dance, sponsored by Al Malaikah Shrine. The dance will be held at the Al Malaikah Shrine Expo Hall 700 W. 32nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007, on Friday, October 19, 2012, 7:00PM until 11:00 PM. Enjoy all the great food you can eat, enter the costume parade and contest and have a chande to win great prizes and gifts. Music will be provided by KROQ Music, "Big Doug" Kirk, an L.A. disc jockey. Parking is free. Come and join the Shriners, the DeMolay, Rainbow Girls and the Jobs Daughters for FUN! Check out the website
ATTENTION! Please call, e-mail or fax Joe Goldwine with the number that will be coming in your party, so that they can provide enough food. Joe Goldwine, Youth Dance Chairman (818) 343-1631, fax (818) 343-1648, e-mail
Southern California Jurisdiction DeMolay (SCJ), held their annual Conclave at the Riverside Marriott hotel. The Heroes of Sparta brought their spirit and enthusiasm to the entire hotel and to the Riverside Municipal Auditorium, where many events were held this year, due to the Convention Center undergoing a major remodeling.
The Consulting Oracle kicked off Conclave on Friday at 8p.m. Activities lasted long into the night, such as “Gods Never Sleep” that was board games, Karaoke and movies, which went from midnight to six a.m. A few Grand Lodge officers were seen partaking in the festivities with the younger Gods. The Grand Master’s Membership Class was initiated on Saturday morning, followed by additional Spartan training, and a gathering of the Goddesses, so as to not leave out the Princesses, Sweethearts and other attendees. The afternoon continued with Spartan games, which included inflatable games and a Fair. The activities again lasted, for the stronger of the Gods, until 6 a.m.
Their packed schedule again began at 8am on Sunday morning. Conclave ended with the VIP reception, banquet and Installation, attended by the Grand Master, MW Frank Loui and his wife Jeanie, 3 Past Grand Masters with their wives and many other Grand Lodge officers and their wives. The SCJ new League officers, that were installed for 2012-2013 are Christopher Baker, Master Councilor, Kevin Gonzales, Deputy Master Councilor and Calab Nelson, Congress Secretary. Chris has chosen a “Star Wars” theme for the coming year. “May the force be with you” until we see you at the next DeMolay event.
Frank Lee – AGL Division 8