Bethel 264 Installation of officers on June 11. This Jobs Bethel has grown significantly, although only 7were able to be at this installation ceremony. Former Grand Bethel Honored Queen /Director of Epochs was the installing HQ . Jullie Perez was installed as the Honored Queen.
Evergreen Lodge, in Riverside, hosted a dinner and Big Band entertainment for our sweethearts. Our special guests were 12 of our lodge widows who were presented roses. Approximately 50 attended the dinner prepared by Lynnette Channon consisting of rolls; chuck roast, fresh mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, and cheesecake. Chuck Scalf chaired the committee with Vic Ropac, John Channon, and Greg Covel assisting. Keith Downs helped the committee set the tables and serve along with our Jobs Daughters, Bethel 264. Jeremiah Bayer-Smith headed up the dishwashing. An all-day prep culminated in an excellent meal followed by an hour of great music in the lodge room performed by the Riverside Swing Band (part of the Riverside Concert Band).
John Channon
The First Annual Gingerbread contest by Job's Daughters Bethel No. 264 of Evergreen Lodge was held on December 5, 2012. Each table had a great gingerbread house to decorate (provided by Pete Servantes a member of Evergreen Lodge).With theme's like: What were you thinking? Country Christmas, Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star, Most Jobs, Most decorated, etc; everyone had a great time
decorating their house. W. Frank Lee, was the judge and everyone went home with a prize and a certificate.
'Lynnette Channon