Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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BBQ at the VA Hospital in Loma Linda

On Saturday, May 26, 2012 Moreno Valley Lodge #804, had their 13th annual BBQ at the VA Hospital at Loma Linda. This year all three Lodges of the 818th Masonic District, Redlands Lodge #300, Fellowship Lodge #668 and Moreno Valley Lodge #804 participated, along with the Jobs Daughters Bethel and the DeMolay Chapter from Moreno Valley.  There were booths with Civil War re-enactment actors and even a band in full Civil War uniforms.  Three service therapy dogs, that were originally rescued and trained by Moreno Valley Lodge member Johne Johnson, also joined in greeting the patients, staff and visitors.

The lunch included barbequed hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, desserts and soft drinks. According to one of the original organizers of the BBQ, Dyane Terkildsen, member of Moreno Valley Lodge, who’s wife works at the hospital, the hospital has an average of 200 veterans at all times. They estimated that they would serve 500 guests, which included patients, staff, Masons and friends. This event, which was free to everyone that attended, is one of the only events that feed the staff and visitors.

Along with many members from District #818, and their youth groups, many of the Grand Lodge family were present, including the Grand Master, Frank Loui and his wife Jeanie, the Jr. Grand Warden, Russ Charvonia, his wife Linda, Assistant Lecturer of Division 5, Lynn Wallingford with his wife Charmaine, AGL of Division 8 Frank Lee and his wife, Lewrana and the Grand Marshal Al Weisser.

We know the patients at the hospital look forward every year, to this day, that honors their dedication and sacrifices to our country as much as they look forward to the Monday Night Football parties that are also hosted by Moreno Valley Lodge each fall. We salute the Lodge for their dedication to our Veterans.

Submitted by:

Frank Lee AGL Division 8

Murrieta Mesa High School Cornerstone Ceremony

posted by admin
May 27, 2012


Murrieta Mesa High School Cornerstone Ceremony

 On Friday, May 25, 2012, Temecula-Catalina Island Lodge #524 sponsored a cornerstone ceremony at Murrieta Mesa High School in Murrieta, California. The day began with the Grand Lodge officers, the officers of Temecula-Catalina Island Lodge, their families and guests socializing at the Lodge. At noon the Grand Lodge performed their Grand Lodge opening which was followed by a great lunch.

 The ceremony at the high school began with the entrance of the Masons and Grand Lodge officers.  The American flag was presented by the NJROTC Color Guard, and the national anthem was sung by senior, Emily Minor.  We were welcomed by the Principal Mary Walters and the Murrieta Valley United School District Superintendent, Dr. Stan Scheer.  After a musical selection by Emily Minor the Senior Class President, Allison Moreno, spoke and then listed the contents of the time capsule. Shawn Stevenson gave an inspiring speech from the senior class, who will be the first senior class graduating next week from the new school.

The Grand Lodge officers, lead by the Grand Master, the Most Worshipful Frank Loui, then proceeded with the formal cornerstone ceremony. The cornerstone and the time capsule will be place by the flag pole at the athletic field.  On behalf of the Grand Lodge of California, Past Grand Master, William J. Bray III, presented the principal with a $1000.00 from the Masonic Foundation, to be used specifically for the new school.

We congratulate Don Young and Mike Sekera for their assistance with the coordinating of the ceremony with the Grand Lodge, the school and the Lodge, to the Inspector Russ Baldauf for the countless hours he spent on this project and the members of Temecula-Catalina Island for their obvious attention to the details and for the excellent execution of the events of the entire day.

Submitted by:

Frank Lee AGL Division 8

Cornerstone At Barstow Community Hospital

posted by admin
May 9, 2012


On April 4, 2012, the Barstow Boron Lodge # 682 hosted the Grand Lodge of the State of California for a Cornerstone ceremony for the new Barstow Community Hospital.  This was the culmination of two years of hard work and coordination for this auspicious event.  Grand Lodge opened at 10:00 AM and allowed the public in at 10:45, where the Grand Master and the Barstow Master provided updates on the happenings of their respective organizations.  The Barstow Boron Lodge presented the Grand Master with a gavel and sounding block made out of desert mesquite, which was hand made by Merrill Gracey, Past Master of the lodge.  The lodge also presented Jeanie Loui with a beautiful bowl made out of bass wood, which was made by the inspector of the 802nd Masonic District, George Whitmore.

A fabulous lunch followed which was prepared by the ladies of the Barstow Lodge and it did not disappoint, they did a wonderful job preparing the food as well as turning the dining room into a beautiful reception hall.  The Jobs Daughters, Bethel #341, who after participating in the March of Dimes walk early in the morning, served lunch to over 110 guests.

Everyone departed the lodge at 12:45 and proceeded to the Cornerstone site, which was held on the grounds of the new hospital.  The ceremony proceeded at 1:30 and the Grand Lodge conducted a superb ceremony, which included the reading of the time capsule contents.  Thirty-three organizations of the Barstow and surrounding communities provided 102 items to be placed in the Cornerstone time capsule, which is a true testament to the relationship between the Lodge and the community.  The Grand Orator gave a moving speech where he tied the legacy of the old hospital to the present and future of the new hospital which came to fruition by years of hard work and determination.  After the ceremony, the guests were treated to a tour of the state of the art facility and were able to see the product of over 25 years of planning and coordination.

Darrell Kemp – Master

Barstow Boron Lodge #682

Corona Masons Celebrate Public Schools Month

posted by admin
May 4, 2012


The Grand Lodge of Masons in California continues to be a primary supporter of a free, public education for all children. Since 1920 in April, Masons throughout California, through a variety of programs, celebrate the accomplishments of those in public education. The evening of April 24, 2012 brethren and guests gathered at Temescal Palms Lodge #314 in Corona to honor the accomplishments of seven exemplary students, four teachers-of-the-year, and six exemplary adult employees of the Corona-Norco Unified School District. One student from each of the seven comprehensive and alternative high schools was presented their awards and $100 to use to further their education, while the adult honorees received awards recognizing their accomplishments as well. Worshipful Master Robert Burger, with the assistance of Public Schools Observance chairman Dennis J. Brandt, Corona Mayor Eugene Montanez, a representative from the offices of Congressman Ken Calvert and County Supervisor John Tavalgione, presented each honoree proclamations citing their efforts on behalf of each child and adult who work tirelessly in their effort to succeed. Among the guests present were Corona City Councilman Jason Scott, CNUSD School Board members Cathy Sciortino and Dr. Jose Lalas, Grand Lodge Assistant Grand Lecturer Worshipful Frank Lee, and Masters and brethren from the 822nd Masonic District. During the program the guests were treated to a video presentation of the Grand Lodge Philanthropy for 2012 which Grand Lodge Division 8 has entitled “Operation Literacy”. This program is an effort to raise awareness of the need to support the improvement of child literacy in Kindergarten classrooms in underperforming areas throughout California. Through the efforts of the Grand Lodge of California, Division 8, and their partner “Raising a Reader”, the goal is to increase childhood literacy and give each child and their parents the tools to be successful. The evening closed with a special award presented to Dr. Kent Bechler, Superintendent of the CNUSD, for his exemplary leadership that has vaulted the Corona-Norco Unified School District to state and national prominence. Dr. Bechler will retire at the end of this school year to pursue other educational opportunities. The evening ended with refreshments and fellowship in the Social Hall.

Dennis Brandt

PSAC Committee Member


Grand Master Frank Loui has named April Public schools month. As a part of this month long celebration on Monday, April 17, 2012 Chino Masonic Lodge presented the first annual “Excellent Reader Awards.” To the Students of Edwin Rhodes Elementary School in Chino.

In Attendance was AGL for Division 8, Worshipful Frank Lee. From Chino Masonic Lodge: Worshipful Manny Blanco, Worshipful John Cover Spear and Brother Jim Duran.

28 Awards were presented to students from grades Kindergarten through sixth for their efforts in improving their reading skills. In addition, “Most Excellent Reader Awards” where presented to seven students, one from each grade, who over all improved their skills the most.

AGL W. Frank Lee was on hand and personally presented the “Most Excellent Reader Awards” and a book that was hand selected and donated by Barnes and Nobel of Chino Hills. W. Frank Lee enthusiasticly addressed the audience saying:  “I’m very excited to be here! Out of all the ceremonies like this that I have attended, and I have attended a lot, this is the most exciting! I am very proud of each and every student here!”

Dean of Students Mrs. Lewis said, “Wow, What a wonderful thing you guys are doing. We are so happy to have you here.”

Chino Lodge has come a long way having to over come many obstacles. W. Manny Blanco, Master of Chino Lodge said “We are striving to move forward. Here is an opportunity to recognize some students who otherwise may not have received any kind of recognition, here is an opportunity to say “look how hard I’m working to improve myself! This is truly a worthwhile cause for our lodge to be a part of.”

Submitted by James Duran, Lodge Ambassador. Chino Masonic Lodge. No. 427

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