Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Menifee Valley 125th Anniversary Celebration

posted by admin
September 3, 2012


On Friday evening, August 31, 2012, M. W. Frank Loui and many
of the Grand Lodge officers were at Menifee Valley Lodge #289, Sun City,
on the occasion of the Lodge's 125th Anniversary. A dispensation authorizing
Elsinore Lodge U. D. to meet was issued September 1, 1887. On September 1, 2005,
Elsinore #289 and Perris #411 consolidated to form Menifee Valley #289.

Dinner was prepared by Brother Jeff Barba, who is a professional chef and
the Junior Deacon of Menifee Valley Lodge, and was served by six members
of Bethel #165, Sun City, I. O. J. D. and six students from Nuview Bridge
Early College High School with which Menifee Valley Lodge is partnered.

As part of the 125th celebration, the Grand Master, ably assisted Worshipful Jerry L. Donathan, the Master of Menifee Valley Lodge, as he unveiled
the new cornerstone of rose granite, that will soon to be installed on the front of the
lodge building.

Frank Postmus, PM

Operation Literacy 2012

posted by admin
July 30, 2012

“There is a tide in the affairs of men”

The Operation Literacy committee presented this year’s Division 8 program, for the Grand Master’s project, “Raising A Reader” on Wednesday June 20, 2012 at the San Bernardino Scottish Rite Center.  The theme of the program was “There is a tide in the affairs of men”, and it was brought to life with guests speakers, a slide presentation, and donations to the Grand Master’s project from Lodges and other supporting groups.

After the welcome by the Master of Ceremonies, Jim Ridley, P.M., San Jacinto Lodge No. 338, Virgil Mink, P.M. from Temescal-Palms Lodge No. 314 gave the invocation. The invocation and benediction were chosen from the 2012 Operation Literacy Prayer Contest submissions.

A toast to the American Flag was given by Van Owen, P.M., Upland-Mt. Baldy Lodge No 419, in his Hero of 76 uniform, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dr. Gabrielle Miller, the National Executive Director for “Raising A Reader” spoke on evaluating interventions for at-risk learners. She brought home the importance of having students reading at grade level by the 3rd grade, and how their program strives to put books in the children’s hands and follow their progress though out a school year.

Mr. John Zickenfoose (Mr. “Z”), who is the Outreach and FFL Coordinator for Corona Public Library, gave his personal testimony on the challenges he had as a young man who graduated from high school, unable to read. His road to literacy began by attending literacy classes at the Corona Public Library. He is now an advocate for literacy for our youth in the community.

The program continued with a presentation, written and produced by the Division 8 Committee that intertwined various narrators and a video about the history and importance of education and literacy in the United States.

The Illustrious Melvin K. Tallon, 33˚, Personal Representative in the Sovereign Grand Inspector General in California, welcomed us to the San Bernardino Scottish Rite Center on behalf of the Scottish Rite. He commented how the Grand Master’s project tied in with their perpetual charity that focuses on assisting children with childhood language disorders.

We then came to the most important part of the evening, when the representatives from the Lodges and other supporting groups presented their donations to the Grand Master, Frank Loui, for his project, “Raising A Reader”. There were donations from 19 Lodges from Division 8 and 3 Lodges from Division 7, who also participated. There were also donations from Moreno Valley Chapter Order of DeMolay and Yucaipa’s Order of the Golden Slipper and High Twelve Club.   The donations presented that evening exceeded $13,000.00.

Division 8’s Inspector at Large, Mark Sandstrom P.M., on behalf of the Division then presented a gift to Jeanie Loui and a crystal engraved plate to Frank Loui. The presentations were followed by the formal introduction of the Grand Master and his remarks.

The programmed was closed with the benediction, given by contest winner Robert Bronner, Fontana Lodge No. 653. Refreshments, fellowship and photo opportunities followed in the dining room.

We cannot overlook the importance of the participation and the donation made by the Moreno Valley Chapter Order of DeMolay and the assistance from the DeMolay from the Sonora League. These young men help not only in greeting the guests, but showed their support to this important endeavor. The Division 8 committee also wishes to send our sincere thanks to the San Bernardino Scottish Rite Center for the use of their facilities and the time they allowed us in preparation and practices for this event.  Our thanks also to our guest speakers for their time and their support of this years’ project.  And finally, but by no means least, the Committee cannot say enough to the Lodges from the Division 8 and Division 7 for presenting their donations, participating in the program, and their continued support of all events the Lodges in our division participate in.

A video of the entire event is available on this web site. Click on the link above under “2012 event was a success!” In the near future we will also be posting smaller sections of the program, for your viewing pleasure.

Franklin R. Lee

A.G.L. Division 8


 Inland Empire Lodge No. 306 hosted a reception for the Junior Grand Deacon, Victor A. Key, Jr. on Saturday June 16, 2012.The Grand Master, Frank Loui, was joined by many Grand Lodge officers, Masons, DeMolay, Jobs Daughters, Rainbow Girls and family to recognize the work Worshipful Key has done. In addition to being a Grand Lodge officer this year, he is also the Southern California Executive Officer for So. Cal. DeMolay. Many senior DeMolay that are now Masons, spoke of the guidance and support they have received from Dad and Mom Key. One of those who spoke and gave their personal story of working with Dad Key was Jeremyha Lyle. Many of the speakers assured the audience that this was “not a roast”, but the tributes that were given to Worshipful Key had everyone laughing, crying and applauding. The lively evening ended with nachos and hot dogs, Dad Key’s traditional DeMolay refreshments.

Frank Lee – AGL Division 8

Grand Bethel 2012 – Drums, Dragon & Rickshaw

posted by admin
July 4, 2012

 On Thursday, June 21st, members of the Grand Lodge Family, including the Grand Master Frank Loui and his wife Jeanie, gathered for the opening sessions of California Grand Bethel, for Job’s Daughters, at the Visalia Convention Center.  The Daughters in attendance were very exuberant even before the session began with cheers and one side of the room challenging the other with “Who’s Got Sprit?” Judy Hooper even encouraged the Grand Lodge Officers and their wives to stand up and show their sides spirit.

 After many escorts and introductions the Grand Master of Masons in California, Most Worshipful Frank Loui was presented for introductions. The Grand Bethel room was suddenly filled with the pounding of a dozen Chinese drums setting the stage for the Grand Master to be brought out in his own personal rickshaw.  A VERY spirited white Chinese dragon then entertained us. He danced, jumped, raised himself up and shook his tail, to the delight of all those in attendance.  The Grand Master also introduced the Grand Lodge officers and their wives.

At the end of the evening, Past Grand Master, Richard Wakefield Hooper, presided over the Miss California Job’s Daughter pageant.  The Grand Master and the Worthy Grand Matron were among the dignitaries that presided over the final question given to the three finalists. Hearing from the 16 finalists and reading their stories was very impressive. The new Miss California Job’s Daughter for 2012-13 is Jessica Anthony PHQ, from Dublin Bethel #1.

After the sessions closed for the evening, everyone was treated to chocolate ice cream. It was a welcome treat after the warm evening. The Grand Family enjoyed being able to visit with the Daughters, their adult advisors, and to support the Jobs Daughters, one of our hard working youth groups.

Friday was a full day. The morning session had all of the Honored Queens and Princess introductions, a memorial service for all those who had passed away, the drill team competition, variety show, and selection of the next Grand Bethel lineup. Most of Saturday was ritual and music competition, then out-to-eat, followed by the installation of the Grand Bethel girls, then the big dance and fun after which ran until midnight.  Many sleepy and happy girls went  to their respective homes on Sunday.

Frank Lee AGL Division 8 and John Channon , PABG, for  D8 Today



posted by admin
July 2, 2012


The annual summer festival at the Masonic Home of California at Covina was held on Saturday, June 16, 2012. This year there was “Aloha”, obviously using a Hawaiian backdrop to all of the day’s activities.   Everyone was given a very warm greeting at the checking table and received the traditions leis, to be worn for the day.  This year there were over 400 in attendance, which included residence of the home, Grand Lodge Officers and their families, Officers and families from the California Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, and Masons and their families.  There were many special activities available for the children, including the Shrine Clowns, the Scottish Rite Bank, a bounce house and a Child I.D. booth, manned with members from Chino Valley Lodge #427, and Rainbow Girls helping where ever they were needed.

The food was fantastic and delicious.  From the chicken, pork, and beef dishes, to the fresh fruit, salads and individual tarts for dessert, that were prepared by residences of the home, you could not have asked for better picnic fare.

We were even treated to beautiful entertainment from the “Ohana Polynesian Dancers”, which hulas, group dancing, drumming and a lot of shaking.

We all enjoyed the Hawaiian shirts, dresses, the gentle breezes, visiting with residences and taking tours of the great campus.  We look forward to seeing more of you next year at the summer festival.

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