Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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In Memoriam – Lionel G.H. Ruhman

posted by admin
March 4, 2016

In Memoriam


posted by admin
September 29, 2015

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In Loving Memory

On September 24, 2015, the Masons of California met at the San Diego Scottish Rite Masonic Center to pay their final tribute of affection to Worshipful Brother Donald Ray Taylor, Sr., born on April 24, 1940 and entered into rest on September 18, 2015 at the age of 75 years, 4 months and 24 days

Worshipful Don was the son of Edgar and Fay Taylor and was born in San Bernardino, California. A resident of Pacific Beach since 1943, he graduated from Mission Bay High School in 1958.

Don married his high school sweetheart, Lee Ann, in 1959. Together they raised two daughters, Dawn (“Kit”) and Deann (“Randy”), and one son, Don Jr. (“Michelle”). In addition to his wife and children, Don leaves behind seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Don served in the USMC and was employed at San Diego G&E for 40 years before retiring. He and Lee Ann later worked for Southwest Power for five years.

Don became a Master Mason in 1965 and served as Master of Mission Bay Lodge No. 771 in 1983. He served the Grand Lodge of California as a member of the Masonic Homes Endowment and Masonic Youth Orders Committees from 1996-2002, Assistant Grand Tiler from 2001-2004 and Grand Tiler from 2004 to 2014. Don was also a member of San Diego Masonic Lodge and Joseph L. Shell Daylight Masonic Lodge, was a 33rd Degree Mason in the San Diego Scottish Rite, a member of Al Bahr Shrine and many other related Masonic organizations. For his service to Masonry he was awarded the Hiram Award (the highest award a Masonic Lodge can bestow upon one of its members) and the Golden Veteran’s Award for 50 years of committed service to the Fraternity.

Much of what Don did for this fraternity was rarely seen or noticed. He was content to work in the background in an effort to ensure successful events for all those he worked for. Whether it was working within his own lodges, or within the Scottish Rite, or even the Grand Lodge, Don's background supporting role became critical to the success of any event that he was involved in. When you arrived at an event and noticed how beautiful it was, or how well it was prepared, it was due to Don's tireless efforts behind the scenes.

As we paid tribute to Don's life and the positive impact he had on each of our lives, we also celebrate his advancement to the Supreme Grand lodge where he is working behind the scenes in support the Great Architect of the Universe in the Celestial Grand Lodge above to ensure each of us is loved and protected until we meet again: Until then, dear brother, until then, farewell!


Friday April 12, 2013 was a glorious day for Masonry and the Masons of Division VIII! With guests, many Brethren, Grand Lodge officials, parents, students, and school officials, the Public Schools Advisory Council – Inland Empire hosted the annual Public Schools Kick-Off event at Edward Hyatt Elementary School in the San Jacinto Unified School District.  The second elementary school to have Raising A Reader as an integral and successful part of the education process in the District. Brother Mike Sekera of San Jacinto Lodge coordinated the program which featured glowing comments from school officials, parents, and teachers on the value of the reading program and the Investment in Success scholarship program to which $79000 has been allocated for this year. Campus tours by fifth and sixth grade students were well-received as each classroom visited found students and teachers fully engaged in the learning process which bodes so well for the success of the kids and the school community. Principal De Roberts read several parent tributes about the success of the Raising A Reader program, Dr. Shari Fox, Superintendent, also gave glowing remarks about the program and support given by San Jacinto Lodge and the Masonic Foundation as well. Worshipful John Heisner, the emcee for the program, explained the history and importance of Masonic support for public education followed by the presentation of the check to the PSAC-IE to fund RAR classrooms and upcoming scholarships in the Inland Empire. The PSAC-IE is grateful to Brother Mike Sekera for putting together this absolutely phenomenal program. His knowledge of the community and school district, and his dedication to the cause was above and beyond. Thanks also, to Candler Gibson and Jessica Mausner of the California Masonic Foundation for all their work and support, as well as to Worshipful Frank Lee, AGL of Division VIII, for his tireless support of this and every program, and to all the Brethren of Division VIII who continue to support public schools in their areas and the “Fraternity’s Project”. We are pleased to announce that, in response to your fundraising efforts, the Raising A Reader program will be expanding to other schools in Division VIII. As the most vital parts of education are found in reading and literacy, we must continue our efforts to fund this important effort to improve our society through our children.

Article Submitted by: Dennis J. Brandt

Photos by: Michael J. Sekera

Video by: Franklin R. Lee


On March 5, 2013, the staff of San Jacinto High School provided breakfast for those individuals and organizations who donated time and financial awards to its students during the 2012 school year. Mike Sekera and Dennis Brandt, members of the Grand Lodge Public Schools Advisory Council – IE, joined with community members, school staff, and San Jacinto Unified School District administrators in being serenaded by groups from the school’s Music Department and enjoying presentations from the Art and Drama Departments as well. In 2012 the PSAC-IE awarded an Investment in Success scholarship to Ms. Jamie Back, a graduate of SJHS, who is currently attending Cal State University, Fullerton, along with other recipients from La Sierra and Perris High Schools. Along with the Investment in Success scholarship program, the PSAC-IE is diligently working with the Masonic Foundation and Raising A Reader to bring this highly successful literacy program to other schools in Division VIII. The support of all Lodges is crucial to the success of this and all programs in our Division. Again, we thank San Jacinto High School for a wonderful breakfast and its continued support.

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