Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Have You Had Your Educational D-8 Today?

posted by admin
April 6, 2012


Each one of our degrees has a special value in helping us to understand what it means to be a Mason. And each of us may have a special degree that we like more than others. Some the First, others the Second, and still others the Third Degree.

 I would like us to take a short look at the Fellowcraft. Degree. The Staircase lecture, in part, addresses many aspects of education. It discusses the degrees of Masonry, the human senses, architecture, and the seven liberal arts and sciences.

My question to you is this? Have you made a daily advancement in Masonry? Weekly? Monthly? When was the last time you read a serious book on the Craft, or an article? When did you attend a lecture discussing some aspect of Masonic education, philosophy or history?

Probably one of the best bargains in Masonic Education is the Southern California Research Lodge. For a mere $20.00 a year you will receive a monthly mailing filling with gleanings of Masonic Education. You will find there excellent material for Stated meeting talks. Members also receive the Short Talk Bulletins, from the Masonic Service Bureau of North America.

But one of the best hidden secrets of the SCRL is their project for Candidate Awareness and Education. If you are a member of the SCRL, you can request a copy of Allen Robert’s book, The Craft and It’s Symbols, to be given, free of charge to the Entered Apprentice on the night of his degree. If you would do this once or twice this would more than pay for your membership. And what a great gift you have given the new Entered Apprentice; not only have you given him what might be his first book in his Masonic Library, but you have started him on the path of the Mason’s quest for Knowledge and Truth.

A visit to the SCRL website will give you a listing of dozens of quality books on Masonry at a discount price.

Have you ever attended one of the Masonic Symposiums sponsored by our Grand Lodge? The 2012 California Masonic Symposium, “The Emergence of Speculative Masonry,” will be held on June 30 in San Francisco and July 1 in Pasadena. For questions, please contact Kim Hegg, program services manager, at or 415/292-9111.

Are you a member of The Philalethes society ( or The Masonic Society ( Membership fees run between $39-50 annually. Both provide excellent journals.

Now you might say that it is too costly, in time or money, to do this. Allen Roberts used to say, “If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.”

So, I ask you again: Have you had your Educational D-8 Today? Have you made your daily advancement in Freemasonry?

Mark R. Sandstrom, Inspector at Large, Division 8

Following in our Brother's Footsteps

posted by admin
February 29, 2012

On Friday, February 24, 2011, Temescal Palms Lodge was honored to have the Most Worshipful Frank Loui, the Grand Master of Masons in California, participate in the conferral of the first degree of our new Brother Martin Durbin.  After the degree, we retired to the dining room for fellowship and refreshments.

After many words of encouragement, from the other Brothers in attendance, we were honored with a few words from the Right Worshipful John Cooper III, Senior Grand Warden. We found them to be timely and inspirational.

We would also like to acknowledge the Brothers that have contributed photos from this event, to our Facebook group page and to our D8 Today section, Scott Bennett, David Chance and Ed Fer.  We thank them for preserving the memories of the evening for all to enjoy.

Please enjoy this video clip of the Right Worshipful John Cooper III to the new candidate.

Frank Lee

Assistant Grand Lecturer- Division 8




Brother Martin Durbin took his first steps in Masonry on Friday February 24th at Temescal Palms Lodge #314. As Brother Durbin was taking his first steps, Temescal Palms Lodge and Division 8 were taking there first as well. Our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Frank Loui served as the Senior Deacon for the evening. As Brother Durbin entered the lodge room for the first time he was greeted and escorted by Most Worshipful Loui. Just imagine, your first steps in Masonry being conducted along by the Grand Master of Masons in California. This will be an evening that will be marked in the history of Temescal Palms and Division 8 for years to come. The evening was filled with fun, fellowship and true Masonry in action. Most Worshipful Loui and the Past Masters of Temescal Palms did an exemplary job in bringing our newest Mason in to our fold. Also in attendance was our Senior Grand Warden Right Worshipful John Cooper and our Grand Pursuivant Raymond Godeke as well as Division 7 AGL Jack McEnterfer. Division 8 was well represented with Masters from Chino Valley Lodge #427, Riverside Lodge #635, Moreno Valley Lodge #804 and Temecula-Catalina Island Lodge #524 along with many Brethren from the surrounding Lodges and Districts.


Brother Durbin and all experienced true Masonry in action this evening, from the Grand Master of Masons to Entered Apprentices all working together to welcome our newest Mason in to our great fraternity. The degree was exemplified by Temescal Palms Past Masters sitting in all stations, a true site to behold. True Masonry in Action.


Welcome and Congratulations Brother Durbin.




Walter E. McCurry

A Grand First Degree

posted by admin
February 27, 2012

  Temescal  Palms  Lodge in  Corona held a  special First Degree  on  Friday,  Feb. 24 with approximately 50 masons in attendance including the  Grand Master (who served  as  Senior Deacon)  and  the  Sr. Grand Warden , John Cooper.    The  evening began with some social time and then a roast beef  dinner was served by the Jobs Daughters  of Bethel #140 .    Lodge Master Robert Burger  welcomed everyone  and introductions followed including numerous Past Masters ,   4 Inspectors,  2  Assistant Grand Lecturers,  and  5 Grand Officers.   Burger also announced the  Hiram Award  recipient for the year  would  be  Dan Malinowski   who  has  served the lodge as  cook,  officer, and numerous other duties.      After the formal presentation of the  Grand Master,  the  Past Masters  of Temescal Palms Lodge and  Affiliated Past Masters  took their stations for the degree. 

Wor. Master –  Robert Burger ,     Senior Warden – Dave Stiles  ,  Junior Warden-  Dan Malinowski ,   Treasurer –  Frank Lee ,    Secretary –  Jim Nighswonger ,    Chaplain – Virgil Mink,   Marshal –  Tony Apostol,   Sr. Deacon – M.W. Frank Loui,     Junior Deacon –  John Ferringa,     Senior Steward – Terry O’Barr,    Junior Steward – Bob Barden,   Lecturer –  Walt  McCurry.  

There  were double lines  formed by the brethren in the  degree  –  most  moving & impressive to  see.  What an experience for the  candidate, Mr. Martin Durber,  to  remember.   After  Lodge  closed,     presentations were made to the Grand Master including a setting mall and sounding block crafted by Robert Burger and a promise that the proceeds from the dinner would be presented at the Operation Literacy event in June ,  then  photos   followed by  refreshments  complemented  with  “words of wisdom”  from  numerous  Past Masters and Grand Officers.   John Cooper topped it off with a story about  George Washington.     In all,  an  experience appreciated by all who attended. 

Story submitted by

John Channon,    Inspector 822nd District, D8 Today

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