Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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Interview with American Charity Center

posted by admin
March 14, 2012

After meeting with Joe Blanco, the CEO of American Charities I realized what a great program this is. Joe Explained that after being in business for several years, he determined what he needed to do to separate his charity service from the others. The result is that he will take ANYTHING as a donated vehicle. He then re-furbishes the vehicle and sells it for top dollar for the charitable purpose. In this case of course it is for our Grand Masters project, Raising-a Reader. Joe utilizes   e-commerce to sell the vehicles thus opening the world up for his marketing strategies. Yes, he sells the vehicles all over the world and can ship them anywhere.

What really surprised me was that he can take vehicles that are in running condition or not. And he will take any vehicle with or without a title. What a    win-win situation for everybody involved with his transactions.

It is really easy to donate a vehicle to American Charities center. All you have to do is make one phone call to Joe Blanco at toll free 888-322-4483. He has operators on duty 24 hrs a day seven days a week to make it easy for you to donate.

You can also donate at  or

So if you have a vehicle and want to help Raising-A-Reader please contact us.

Jim Ridley

(951) 329-8854

A message from our committee chairman.

posted by admin
February 1, 2012

As everyone knows our project this year is Operation Literacy. I am VERY honored to be the chairman of Division 8 Operation Literacy program this year. When I first undertook this endeavor I did not realize the importance and urgency regarding illiteracy rate in the state of California. One of the great things that has happened is the fact that Division 8 can work hand in hand with the Grand Lodge Public Schools Advisory Council. Using both teams resources insures success of our project.

California ranks close to the bottom of all 50 states regarding literacy. That itself is scary enough, but with the economy being what it is and the State is still cutting school budgets, the kids need us Masons more than ever. We are partnering with a national group called "Raising-A-Reader". They have helped over 800,000 children through out the country and have a very good reputation for their system working well. The money we raise will go towards buying books to be circulated in kindergartners home every week. Also included in their "book bag" will include a DVD aimed at the parents or caregivers to teach the children how to read these books.

We will be announcing our program "Kick-off" soon. So please keep checking the web-site. And our big fund raising event is scheduled for June 20th. Stay tuned for more info on this exciting program.

Anyone that wants to help, either physically or financially,feel free  to contact me,


Jim Ridley

Chairman, Division 8 Operation Literacy

(951) 329-8854

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