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Miss Dionela Mireles

Sunshine Assembly – Rainbow for Girls Installation

posted by admin
October 12, 2015

Sunshine Assembly Installation 2015

What is Rainbow and who are they?

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a non-profit service organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20. Rev. W. Mark Sexson founded our order in McAlester, Oklahoma in April of 1922. Rev. W Mark Sexson sought to develop an organization where young women could build self confidence and leadership skills, all while serving their community. The organization promotes community service, as well as love and service to their schools, their homes and to each other.

Our order prepares the girls of today to be the leaders of tomorrow. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls teaches leadership skills and public speaking. It builds self-respect, confidence, poise, patriotism, fidelity, integrity and character, all while providing a fun and safe environment for girls to meet other girls their age and to build friendships that will last a lifetime.

Rainbow also teaches girls to be a part of a team, to successfully communicate with each other and to trust members. We want our girls to have positive role models and mentors, so that younger girls can continue to influence the new members of the assembly, as they grow older.

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls has an active membership across the world. Our organization has 275,000 members in 45 states and in 9 foreign countries, Queensland, New South Wales, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Aruba, Japan, the Philippines, Canada and Germany. Since our order began in 1922, more than one million girls have been initiated into our order and we have more than one million majority members (girls over the age of 20 who are no longer considered active members of their assembly) still participate.

Former members of the order include: Former Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O’Connor, Former Miss California and Actress Lee Merriweather, Actress Lily Tomlin, Actress Dawn Wells and Maine’s Senator, Olympia Snow had this to say about the order:

“I am proud to be a Rainbow Girl. This group instilled in me the values of service, honesty, and leadership, among others. I have carried these ideals with me throughout the years. Being a member of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls reflects well on a young women's character and integrity and will benefit today's Rainbow Girls throughout their lifetime”

On Saturday, September 1, 2012, Green Valley Assembly #220 held a reception for their Grand Officer, Nicole Patterson, Member of the Grand Executive Committee, California Flag Bearer, and Representative to Italy and Michigan. The podium in the east was beautifully decorated with a cascading rainbow of tulle, with a large golden image of the State of California resting on the rainbow.  The large audience included not only many present and past Rainbow Grand Officers, Rainbow Girls from other Assemblies, many past and present Mother Advisor’s and board members from other Assemblies, and two Assistant Grand Lecturer’s from the Grand Lodge of California. The honored member entered and was escorted through an arch of honor from the members of her assembly. The Rainbow and Christian flag were presented, along with the California flag, the Italy flag and the Michigan flag that also had tributes given to them. Presentations included a lot of laughter and Nicole received an exquisite quilt rack that was made by her grandfather in Texas, and a beautiful quilt which had quilt squares from the grand officers, members of her assembly and advisory board. Congratulations are also in order to Fellowship Lodge #668, for the obvious care they have taken in the maintenance of their Lodge. The outside of the building has recently received a new coat of paint, the square and compass are gleaming in the afternoon sun with its gold background and the parking lot was resurfaced and new parking lines painted. The building made a very impressive statement. Great job Green Valley Assembly!  Your pride for your Assembly and your Grand Officer shined brighter than the afternoon desert sun.

Chairman of the Board

Fontana Assembly

Lewrana Lee


California Rainbow Girls had their annual convention, the past weekend March 31 – April 3, 2011, in Fresno, California. The theme this year was “A Rainbow Camporee in Nature’s National Parks”. The Grand Worthy Advisor was Megan Crowley, from Green Valley Assembly in Yucaipa.   This years Grand Service Project was the San Diego Adaptive Sports Foundation, and they raised $72,746.64.

The Grand Master and the Grand Lodge officers attended the VIP/Grand Officer/Grand Family dinner on Sunday evening. The Rainbow Grand Officers included everyone in the camp songs and campfire stories.

Following the banquet, at the evening session, the Grand Master was escorted. The Grand Assembly room was lined with Master Masons’ wearing their Masonic aprons. It was quite an impressive site.  The other Grand Lodge officers who were introduced were, Grand Chaplain Joseph Ross, the AGL of Division 4, Ricky Lawler,  the AGL of Division 6, Cub Jack, the AGL of Division 8 Frank Lee, the Grand Marshall, Allen Weisser, the Sr. Grand Deacon, Mario Balbiani, the Jr. Grand Deacon, Victor Key, Jr, Sr. Grand Steward Runo Lemming, and the Jr. Grand Steward Thomas Thompson.  There were also two Past Grand Master’s introduced, C. Ray Whitaker  and Richard Wakefield Hopper.

The evening concluded with the announcement of the new Grand Officers for 2012-2013. The new Grand Worthy Advisor is Shelby Zimmerman from Diablo Valley.  Rick Lawler’s daughter, Rebecca was appointed as the Dean to the Grand Cross of Color and Representative to Connecticut and Rhode Island.  From our Division, Nicole Patterson from the Green Valley Assembly, in Yucaipa, was appointed to the Grand Executive Committee California Flag Bearer and Grand Representative to Aruba, Florida and Tennessee.

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