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Table Lodge at Blythe – Needles Lodge 473

posted by admin
April 1, 2017


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Blythe-Needles Lodge held their installation on January 14, 2017.
The Installing team was Worshipful Tom Leonard (Inspector), Worshipful George Whitmore (AGL), and Worshipful George Thomas (Master of the Local Prince Hall Lodge) as Chaplain.
A wonderful dinner was served beforehand, and the local Palo Verde High School Army JROTC presented the flag and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
front row:
Worshipful George Whitmore
second row:
Worshipful George Thomas, Timothy Ray, Worshipful Tom Leonard, Jeff Gatchell, Joel Gordon, Joseph Faubus, Bill Royer, and Worshipful Stuart Ryan
Back row:
Kevin Currier and Bill Jarrard

Blythe Annual Installation of Officers


Saturday, September 15th, Brothers John Brooks, Kevin Currier, Rob McGill and I loaded into the car in the early morning hours and made the drive to the beautiful town of Prescott, Arizona. Our final destination was the Fain Ranch, Home of the Prescott Outdoor Degree. Brother Brooks and I made this trip two years ago and had a good idea of what to expect. For Brothers Currier and McGill this was a new adventure. Upon arrival we proceeded through the front gate, signed in, and went down to the guest room by the pond for coffee and a doughnuts.

When Lodge opened, Kevin and Rob were surprised to see the slight differences in the degree work as presented in Arizona, but were very impressed how beautiful it was. The candidate was brought into the Lodge and made a Master Mason. Lodge was called to rest and we enjoyed a good barbeque lunch and lots of great fellowship.

Returning to the Lodge, nestled among cottonwoods and willows with a gorgeous blue sky overhead, we witnessed a truly amazing sight. The second section was delivered by all of the Arizona Grand Lodge Officers. What a sight to behold, as the Grand Senior Warden sat as King Solomon, and the Grand Senior Deacon conducted the candidate. The Deputy Grand Master gave an outstanding lecture.

Before closing introductions were made of the Grand Lodge Officers, the Officers of Aztlan Lodge #1, our host, and the Grand Master. The Grand Master, seated immediately in front of us took a moment, looked at us and asked the Master to have us introduce ourselves. The Grand Master was particularly pleased that Brother McGill had traveled seven hours from the San Diego area to attend the degree.

This was again a wonderful trip. Having time to meet newly found Brothers, enjoy their fellowship, and discussing things concerning our lives in Freemasonry. I strongly recommend that anyone having the day free attend this wonderful degree. It will be held again around September of next year. Let’s see if we can get enough to charter a bus.

Joe Van Dyke Jr., PM
Inspector 834th Masonic District



On Wednesday April 4, 2012, Blythe/Needles Lodge #473 honored three instructors, for their dedication to education.  Rosalie Ann Campa, Gretchen Nelson, and Opal Kemp have worked for the Riverside County office of Education for a combined total of over 65 years teaching Special Needs children.

Both Rosalie and Gretchen are graduates of our local Palo Verde High School, who have stayed here to help our local children.  Opal transferred to Blythe from Banning in 1992, and has taught here since.

The ceremonies were preceded by the awarding of a Scholarship from the Blythe Social Club, to Kathleen Bell, daughter of our Senior Warden, Bert Bell.  Katie, as she is affectionately known, is planning on attending Cal State San Bernardino.

Wor. Wuertz gave a brief history of Masons and Education, before presenting the awards.

Submitted by

Joe Van Dyke


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