Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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From Left to Right

Top Row:  Rose,  Jacka,  Combs,  Channon

2nd Row:  Wells,  Weber ,  Olson,  Dewit,  Church

Bottom Row:  Morgan,  Falconet,  Adams,  Steward,  Cramer

On October 26th, 2019 Brother Barret Sterling Adams was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at Big Bear Lodge No. 617, F&AM by a team of Brothers from no less than 7 lodges.


Michael Cramer – Lakeside Lodge No.258, Redmond Washington as – Sr Steward,  Seafaring & Wayfaring Man

Jarred Steward – Clay Lodge No. 207, Excelsior Springs Missouri, as Jr. Deacon

From Blue Jay The Worshipful Jarred Church – Master Rim of the World No. 711 as Jr. Stewart & Fell0wcraft

From Lake Arrowhead,  Our lecturer for this evening was scheduled to be Jim Asher of Rim of the World No. 711, Past Master, Hiram Award recipient and Golden Anniversary Award recipient, but he came down the with the flu Friday and could not attend, but at the last minute

From San Bernardino our Guest Lecturer The Worshipful Robert E. Jacka – Past Master Phoenix Rising No. 178 – a special thanks.

Our Hiram Award recipients participating this evening,

From Crestline The Worshipful Chester W. Olson of Rim of the World lodge 711 – Past Inspector of District 814 – Past Master Rim of the World No. 711 as Fellowcraft

From Big Bear, The Worshipful D. Steven Combs Past Master of Big Bear Lodge no 617 – Inspector of District 814  as Chaplin & Ruffian

From Riverside, a Past Master of Evergreen Lodge No. 259 –  The Inspector at Large Division 8 – The Worshipful John Channon as Sr. Deacon 2nd Section & Fellowcraft

From San Dimas Lodge No. 428  The Very Worshipful Jack Rose – Past Grand Lecturer  as Soloman

From Big Bear Lodge 617:

Worshipful Cesar Falconet as Jr. Warden & Ruffian

Senior Warden James Morgan as Sr.  Warden & Ruffian

Secretary Elbert Dewitt as Secretary

Michael Weber as Senior Deacon 1st section

Worshipful Johnny Wells, Past Master & Officers Coach as Master  1st Section, Sr. Warden 2nd Section

Thank you all for an amazing evening.    Together we do make a difference.


Big Bear Installation 2016

Click on the image to view full screen.

You are cordially invited to attend a rare glimpse into a group of men that has been a part of Big Bear History since before the building of the original dam that created Big bear lake.

Big Bear Held Their 83 Annual Installation Of Officers

posted by admin
December 22, 2013


On December 16th Big Bear Lodge No. 617 held it's  83rd installation of Officers in a closed ceremony.

For those of you who have never visited the Big Bear Lodge, it is , as most Lodges, steeped in local history. The furnishings came from cedar trees on land cleared by Bill Knickerbocker who provided the original meeting place for Masons in Big Bear above his Carriage house. He was also the first keeper of the original dam that formed Big Bear Lake.

This years installation was conducted by Past Master AGL Frank Lee as Installing Officer; PM Inspector Lynn Parker as Master of Ceremonies; Installing Chaplin was PM and officers coach for Big Bear Lodge, Jim Weyant.  Also in Attendance were Worshipful Chet Olsen from Rim of the World and Inspector John Channon.

Installed for Masonic Year 2014 were: Johnny Wells – Master; Kevin Mc Hugh – Senior Warden; Joe Tambe PM – Junior Warden; Steven Combs PM – Treasurer; Robert Dow, PM – Secretary; Bruce Black – Asst Secretary; Eric Schwartz – Junior Deacon; and William Meyrs PM – Tiler.

The incoming Master invited all present to draw-up two memories: 1. The day the decided to become a Mason and all the feelings and dreams they had attached to this decision. 2. For those who were Past Masters; the first moment the too stood in the East and received the gavel. The dreams and goals they had for "their Lodge", the changes they were looking towards and the difference they were going to initiate to make Their Lodge more of force for good in the community. To remember not only the energy they were willing to expend to make these happen, but the rewards too attached to their successes.

He then encouraged all Masons to rekindle those feelings and dreams, because in the year to come, for the Lodge to continue to grow and prosper, we can use all the "Masters" we can find to make it happen.

Dessert in the Lodges' "Theatre" followed with good fellowship and camaraderie.

Johnny R Wells
Worshipful Master

The second annual Division 8 Inspector of Instruction and family weekend in Big Bear was held on June 29 and 30, 2012.  Members of Big Bear Lake Lodge and many of the Inspectors and their wives, joined the A.G.L., Frank Lee and his wife Lewrana, on Friday evening for dinner, hosted by Big Bear Lodge. Since our ISI weekend last year, the Lodge has transformed their reception hall into a stage and entertainment area, including floor to ceiling panels, removable stage area and they have added a professional light and sound system. The evening began with a social hour, complete with hors d’oeuvres and live entertainment, provided by the singing duo  “The Heart Lights”. You may remember them for their beautiful music at our weekend last year and at the Division’s Operation By Your Side in Ontario. Social hour was followed by another gourmet dinner, prepared by the Lodge.  The 2 inch think pork loin chops were cooked to perfection and were accompanied with an artistic salad, complete with raspberries, stuffing and peas with bacon. Not to be out done was the various desserts that were offered, from cheesecake to ice cream and cookies. We were again serenaded with golden oldies all during dinner. The evening concluded with lots of great conversation, and a few couples continued the party at the main hotel for the weekend, the Robinhood Resort.

 Saturday started off bright and early, with beautiful weather and breakfast for all at the Lodge at 8:00 A.M. They pulled out all the stops again, for a great breakfast which included eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and biscuits and gravy. The men were then approached about adding a First Degree to the day’s activities. After a bit of strategizing about filling all the positions and factoring in the other required activities of the day, the men proceeded to open the Lodge and get some ISI work out of the way. The women enjoyed socializing together, reading, doing needle crafts, planning their strategy to beat the men in a friendly man against the woman scavenger hunt.

The men called a recess and we divided up into teams, and the hunt was afoot! Each team of 4 had to visit various stores around town, all within, walking distance of the hotel, and complete a game book, where you had to find items in each store that the first letter of the item spelled out M-A-S-O-N-I-C. Such as: Aunt Em’s orange marmalade. As some of the woman had participated in the scavenger hunt last year, they again were very creative with some of their answers.

The men returned to the Lodge for the first degree and to finish their I.S.I. The women enjoyed a couple of hours of shopping, enjoying the sights and relaxing. The woman returned to the Lodge, and continued to visit while the men finished the business of the day. At 3:00 we were then all treated to a scrumptious lunch of BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs with all of the fixings’, hosted and prepared by Rim of the World Lodge. Lunch also included a concert by three young ladies that belong to the Mountain Marveletts.

The crowd began to get a little restless as we waited anxiously for the Sr. Warden of Big Bear Lodge, Johnny Wells, to determine the winners of this year’s hunt. Many of the teams knew they had come up with some clever answers and hoped to persuade the group that they should get extra points for their efforts. There was lots of laughing, sneers and cheers as they read each teams answers from the various stores. Many questionable answers were accepted or rejected by a room full of judges. In the end the judges accepted “Mason’s on display” as a correct answer from one of the woman’s teams. (One team of men were all gathered inside one very small store, and from the outside it looked “Mason’s on display”) But they did not accept “Ceiling fan” as a correct answer from one of the men’s teams, nor did they accept “Exit Sign”. It was all in good fun, and the author of the game decided, if we did this again, they would have to add the rule that the answer had to be something for sale in the store. In the end there was a three way tie. By the luck of the draw, the men’s team, headed by Frank Lee won (No! not rigged at all) They received some “lovely gifts” for participating, such as a Big Bear coffee mug, a baseball cap and a nice nylon backpack/bag. We thank Johnny for the time and effort it took to contact the stores, prepare and print the treasure book, donating the prizes and being a great M.C. and head judge for the event.

The weekend activities were officially over and many left to return to their homes “down the mountain”.  A few couples extended their stays until Sunday and had a great time. The Division wishes to again thank Big Bear Lodge and Rim of the World Lodge for again hosting the weekend and continuing this new tradition for the Division, where we can combine work, fun and fellowship together and to also show from the desert to the sea (the Salton Sea that is) we can work together.

Frank Lee – AGL Division 8



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