Masonic Life Network

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Bethel 264 Installed on June 10, 2017

posted by admin
June 15, 2017


Bethel 264 Installation – June 10, 2017

This is our 124th Installation – That's 3 score and 2 yrs since Bethel 264 was chartered. .. That's approximately 3 generations of ladies who have been Jobs Daughters of this Bethel here at Evergreen.

Mrs. Ethel Wead Mick envisioned almost 100 years ago ,when she founded Jobs Daughters , the lessons of self-confidence, charity, leadership, public speaking, budgeting and finance, respect for parents and elders and the law, patriatism and team work as well as navigating their way thru adolescence.

These lessons are just as relevant today in this fast-paced world.

The ritual work has its own lessons about life as well as the mental exercise that teaches self -discipline and focus and builds pride.

As with any worthwhile endeavor, it is necessary to mix serious work with a little relaxation and play, which these girls certainly have embraced and mastered.

We are a little challenged recently with some vacancies in the line of officers but that has just added another lesson in life “that you work with the hand dealt you “

so we march on and the girls take on responsibilities of multiple offices.  They multi-task.

Four were installed on June10 by Jullie.  A few were away for the summer and some had work, so they will be installed later.

The enthusiasm these young ladies have is contagious . As they work their way up the line and get a little experience under their belt we can look forward to them embracing those leadership skills and moving into adulthood prepared for the crazy world beyond these doors.


Bethel 264 Installation June11, 2016

posted by admin
August 4, 2016

Bethel 264 Installation of  officers on June 11.   This Jobs Bethel has grown significantly,  although only 7were able to be at this installation ceremony.    Former  Grand Bethel Honored Queen /Director of Epochs  was the installing HQ . Jullie Perez was  installed as the Honored Queen.

Pancake Breakfast- Evergreen lodge 5:15:16

Bethel 35 of Moreno Valley Merged with Bethel 264

posted by admin
November 11, 2015

   On November 7, 2015 Bethel 35 of Moreno Valley officially merged with Bethel 264 in Riverside.  Girls from Bethel 35 signed the book in a special ceremony and welcomed into the Bethel 264 family.   Riverside's  Bethel  264 initiated 4 new girls at the previous meeting. It is now nearly up to a full line of officers.

Following the ceremony and  meeting , they all journeyed to downtown Riverside and  participated in an information booth  at the  Mission Inn Run. Several members also helped at the booth on Sunday,  the   day of the actual  run. One Past Honored Queen of the Bethel participated in one of the runs.
Joe Bee, out Bee mascot paid a visit on Sunday morning, to the delight of the spectators'

John Channon


 Four Bethels got together on Saturday, March 24, 2012 for a Grand Guardian visit at Evergreen Masonic Center. The Jobs Daughters from   Riverside, Moreno Valley, San Bernardino and Redlands hosted a pajama breakfast with old-time cartoons playing on the big screen, a full breakfast for almost 100 people, and  cartoon trivia games. The Grand Guardian, Mrs. Sieber-Lowe, Assoc. Grand Guardian Geoff Matlack,  Deputy GG and  Assoc Deputy GG , as well as numerous other dignitaries were present, entertained , and well –fed. After which , the Grand Guardian met with the girls for questions and answers , pictures,  and then were treated to librarian reports and gifts from each Bethel.

Submitted by John Channon ,  PABG


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