Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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Redlands Lodge # 300 Annual BBQ at Sylvan Park

posted by admin
June 10, 2017


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Redlands Masonic Lodge

Redlands Lodge #300 received its Dispensation March 10, 1890 and was duly constituted on November 17, 1890. Just a few years after the incorporation of the City of Redlands. It would not yet meet in its current home until 1909, when the current building was constructed. For its first 19 years, Redlands Lodge #300 met in several locations in the downtown Redlands area.


The cornerstone for our current location,131 Cajon Street, was laid on June 12, 1909.   The Grand Lodge of California convened a special session for this purpose, and Wor. Frank Meserve, was appointed to write the history of the lodge, which was then and there placed in this cornerstone. It was described in the history as "A brick building, 3 stories high and constructed to carry 2 or 3 more stories if necessary." This was, of course, at the standards of the current day .

The building still stands at its original 3 stories, however, the original building was set back from where the current day curb starts. It was not until after the adjacent Fox Theater was built, that the Masonic Temple was extended to where it is now, lining up with the Fox Theater. This allowed for better curb appeal, and the addition of additional office rental space, which is still in use today.

You now find us on Cajon St, by locating the blue awning that dawns our building today. We welcome visitors to our monthly meeting dinner, which is the first Monday of every month. If you want to learn about, are part of the fraternity, or our are just interested in learning more about this historical building, please stop by for a visit.


Riverside Scottish Rite Club Annual BBQ

posted by admin
June 2, 2017


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Temescal Palms Lodge 314 BBQ A Huge Success

posted by admin
September 20, 2015

Temescal Palms Lodge Annual BBQ

 On Saturday, Sept 19th, Temescal Palms Lodge in Corona held their annual BBQ. As usual it was a great success. We started the fire on Friday the 18th at 11:00 AM and fed it until around 4 PM. At approximately 5:30 PM we put approximately 180Lbs of beef and pork into the fire and closed it up.

The next morning at 8:30 the pit was opened and the meat had been cooked to perfection. Our chefs then began pulling the beef and pork and getting ready for the meal. We had 180 lbs of meat, 40 lbs of potato asked salad , 6 gallons of baked beans and 12 dozen fresh baked French rolls. When we opened the doors at 10:00 AM we had people ready to eat. We actually started serving at 10:00 AM and had a steady stream of customers until  3:00 PM.  At 1:30 PM we ran out of pork and at 2PM ran out of potato salad. We whipped up three more batches of  potato salad and kept on feeding the hunger hoard.

All in all I believe were served in excess of 200 folks and no one went away hungry or dissatisfied. It was a great day in the history of our lodge as this being the 4th annual BBQ, it keeps getting bigger every year.  If you attended then you know how good it was. If you didn’t then you will have to suffer until next year when we do it again.

Jim Nighswonger PM

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