Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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Brother  James  Stocks  received  his  Golden Veteran (50 yr) Award  at  Riverside Lodge on Feb. 7,2013 .  His wife, Rosie had the honor of  pinning him.   Inspector, John Channon , officiated the ceremony with W.M. Steve Morrison and  Wor. Lee Cleveland  assisting. The  new, long-form,  ceremony was used  for the program which was  very appreciated by the  recipient, his wife , and the brethren and  families  present.
James  Stocks  began his  residence in Riverside in 1945,  spent 38 yrs  with  SCE serving in such places as  El Segundo,  Mojave,  Big Creek,   and  Rosemead working with  steam and hydroelectric plants,  then  another  12 yrs  as a consultant and instructor.
He was  raised  as  a Master Mason on  Sept 27, 1962.

John Channon ,   D8 reporter,   Inspector


Brother Haworth was honored at Evergreen Lodge in Riverside for his 50 years of membership at a  dinner and presentation on  November 7, 2012. The honoree was  escorted  to the East  to be pinned by  his Grandson Tanner and then conducted  to a place between the pillars to commemorate his  journey  in the  Lodge. A biography of  Brother Haworth was presented  by  Inspector, John Channon and the certificate was presented by Master, Greg Covel. After receiving his  honors , the brother  spoke about  his  participation on the Building Committee back  in the 70s when the plans for the new building were  being formulated. He conveyed  fond  memories of  Wor. Stan Channon, Chairman, and many of those  who served on that committee.

John Channon P.M.

Inspector of the 822nd Masonic District

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It is a private site dedicated to helping the Freemasonry community and the communities within Division 8.