Ceremony of Constitution Nov. 23, 2019 at 4:30pm . Grand Master will be attending
Palm Springs Lodge 450 S. Avenida Caballeros
It is difficult to convey the feelings we have to fully communicate our appreciation for the dedication, courage, and sacrifice, that our veterans have made for freedom. So, we will offer you this video presentation, and a few words more.
Here’s to the Heroes – A tribute by the Masons of Division 8, Free and Accepted Masons of California
Never to allow their Love of God to ever wane or sag
Through patriotism they put their families on hold
To battle evil in all weather, even in the cold
It’s to their sacrifice that we honor them today
We owe each of them a debt that we shall never be able to repay
So proudly fly our Flag every chance you get
In honor of those men and women whose memory we now protect
From Left to Right
Top Row: Rose, Jacka, Combs, Channon
2nd Row: Wells, Weber , Olson, Dewit, Church
Bottom Row: Morgan, Falconet, Adams, Steward, Cramer
On October 26th, 2019 Brother Barret Sterling Adams was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at Big Bear Lodge No. 617, F&AM by a team of Brothers from no less than 7 lodges.
Michael Cramer – Lakeside Lodge No.258, Redmond Washington as – Sr Steward, Seafaring & Wayfaring Man
Jarred Steward – Clay Lodge No. 207, Excelsior Springs Missouri, as Jr. Deacon
From Blue Jay The Worshipful Jarred Church – Master Rim of the World No. 711 as Jr. Stewart & Fell0wcraft
From Lake Arrowhead, Our lecturer for this evening was scheduled to be Jim Asher of Rim of the World No. 711, Past Master, Hiram Award recipient and Golden Anniversary Award recipient, but he came down the with the flu Friday and could not attend, but at the last minute
From San Bernardino our Guest Lecturer The Worshipful Robert E. Jacka – Past Master Phoenix Rising No. 178 – a special thanks.
Our Hiram Award recipients participating this evening,
From Crestline The Worshipful Chester W. Olson of Rim of the World lodge 711 – Past Inspector of District 814 – Past Master Rim of the World No. 711 as Fellowcraft
From Big Bear, The Worshipful D. Steven Combs Past Master of Big Bear Lodge no 617 – Inspector of District 814 as Chaplin & Ruffian
From Riverside, a Past Master of Evergreen Lodge No. 259 – The Inspector at Large Division 8 – The Worshipful John Channon as Sr. Deacon 2nd Section & Fellowcraft
From San Dimas Lodge No. 428 The Very Worshipful Jack Rose – Past Grand Lecturer as Soloman
From Big Bear Lodge 617:
Worshipful Cesar Falconet as Jr. Warden & Ruffian
Senior Warden James Morgan as Sr. Warden & Ruffian
Secretary Elbert Dewitt as Secretary
Michael Weber as Senior Deacon 1st section
Worshipful Johnny Wells, Past Master & Officers Coach as Master 1st Section, Sr. Warden 2nd Section
Thank you all for an amazing evening. Together we do make a difference.