Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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Palm Springs Lodge 693 Presents Golden Veteran AwardChino Valley Lodge Presents Teachers Award At Edwin Rhodes School Appreciation Month at Ontario No. 301Masons in  Rolling ThunderTraveling Gravel
June 29, 2012

Traveling Gravel

  The Master , Wardens and Senior Deacon of Palm Springs Lodge 693 received and passed on the "Traveling Gavel" at the Master/Wardens Retreat in Newport Beach March 25, 2012.  R.W. Bull passing the Gavel to Luther Wood, WM Palm Springs Lodge #693, to the SD, Imanuel Eisendle, and on to SW Ted Parker and […]

June 28, 2012

Palm Springs Lodge 693 Presents Golden Veteran Award

file://localhost/Users/franklinlee/Desktop/Palm%20Springs%20Golden%20Veteran%20Award%202012/DSC04064.JPG Brother Fogle graduated from El Paseo, Texas High School in 1946.  He also received greetings from his Uncle Sam and was enrolled in Basic Training in the Army.  After Basic Training he was trained to be Solider in the 82nd Airborne, Tank Battalions and in the Corp of Engineers.  Then the Army liked him […]

June 27, 2012

Chino Valley Lodge Presents Teachers Award At Edwin Rhodes

  On June 5th. 2012 The Chino Masonic Lodge recognized 3 kindergarten teachers for their contributions in education with the lodge’s 1st annual “Teacher of the Year Award.” Recipients were: Mrs. Sheila Sifflet, Mrs. Tina Persoon and Ms. Michelle Sandoval. In attendance for the ceremony was the Mayor of the City of Chino Dennis Yates, […]

June 18, 2012

Your Invitation To "Operation Literacy"

 The Chairman of this years Division 8’s special program called “Operation Literacy” , Jim Ridley, invites you to the Division’s program on June 20th.This years committee has been creating and refining this program since January 2012.  They are anticipating a larger turnout than last years program, and will hold this year’s event at the San […]

June 14, 2012

Interview With Diane Greenfield Seniors On Stage

 On Thu, March 1, 2012 we interviewed several actors from the Seniors on Stage which was a lot of fun and very interesting. We met “Larry the cable guy” who is portrayed by Jack Aten and several other actors and even met the Producer/ Director. I understand several other portrayals are scheduled to be on […]

June 7, 2012

Interview: Russ Baldauf Challenge Match

Jim Ridley interviews Allan Bowmen about the Russ Baldauf Challenge Match that Menifee Valley Lodge will be sponsoring in order to raise funds to donate towards the "Raising A Reader" project. See our event calendar or the video for details. Share! Tweet Follow

Interview With Jeanine Taylor Seniors On Stage

 The D8 Today team interviewed several actors from the “Seniors on Stage”, which is presenting a Vegas style variety show for San Jacinto Lodge #338, and they expect to have over 200 in the attendance. They met and interviewed “Larry the cable guy” who is portrayed by Jack Aten and several other actors and even […]

June 2, 2012

Masons in Rolling Thunder

    Memorial Day  –  over 7,000 bikers rolled from Indiana Ave in Riverside , up Arlington Ave,  and  Alessandro and Van Buren to Rliverside National Cemetery for the  memorial to our veterans .  Among them  were  several avid Mason  bikers. These  bikers  ranged  from the  big Harleys to some little bikes.  Some were even […]

June 1, 2012

School Appreciation Month at Ontario No. 301

    Ontario Masonic Lodge No. 301, in Ontario, California, has a long standing tradition of support for the schools in our community.  Many years ago, the Vina Danks Middle school, located across the street from the Lodge had outgrown it’s auditorium facility and Ontario Lodge stepped up to offer our facility to host their […]

You are currently browsing the Masonic Life Network weblog archives for June, 2012.

Contact Information

  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
To submit an article email here: 

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