April 30, 2012
Dear Worshipful Sir and Brothers all: “No great or important undertaking … .” Prayer undergirds all we do in Masonry. Every meeting opens and closes with an address to the Throne of Grace. So it will be on June 20th when Division 8 presents “Operation Raising a Reader,” Grand Master Louie’s project to enhance […]
April 26, 2012
On Wednesday April 4, 2012, Blythe/Needles Lodge #473 honored three instructors, for their dedication to education. Rosalie Ann Campa, Gretchen Nelson, and Opal Kemp have worked for the Riverside County office of Education for a combined total of over 65 years teaching Special Needs children. Both Rosalie and Gretchen are graduates of our local […]
April 25, 2012
On Tuesday, April 17, 2012, Fellowship Lodge #668, in Yucaipa, CA had a program honoring several students from the Yucaipa-Calimesa Unified School District. Students and principals from13 schools were represented. Each school chose one student to be recognized for their outstanding scholastic or personal achievements. This year’s program was very successful with over 180 […]
April 24, 2012
April 16, 2012 Redlands Lodge #300 presented Worshipful Elmer Pfonner with his Golden Veteran Award. His son, Dwight Pfonner, who is also a Past Master of San Dimas lodge 428, is a Marine currently serving in Iraq. He took leave to come home to participate in this special ceremony for his father. Many members, […]
April 20, 2012
Grand Master Frank Loui has named April Public schools month. As a part of this month long celebration on Monday, April 17, 2012 Chino Masonic Lodge presented the first annual “Excellent Reader Awards.” To the Students of Edwin Rhodes Elementary School in Chino. In Attendance was AGL for Division 8, Worshipful Frank Lee. From Chino Masonic Lodge: Worshipful Manny Blanco, Worshipful John Cover Spear and Brother […]
April 19, 2012
The Blood Drive held at Evergreen Lodge was a success. Those who came filled out a questionnaire, answered a series of health questions to see if they were eligible to give blood, and endured a small prick for a moment to provide the life-giving fluids that are so desperately needed. Some were able to […]
April 18, 2012
The Inland Empire Public Schools Advisory Council (IEPSAC) in Division 8, presented a program to kickoff Public Schools Month in California, at San Jacinto Elementary School, in San Jacinto, California. The members of the IEPSAC are: Manny Blanco, Chair from Evergreen Lodge #259, Eric Bordner, San Bernardino Lodge #178, Dennis Brandt, Temescal Palms […]
April 17, 2012
A partnership between the Masons of California and San Jacinto Unified School District is bringing a family-based reading program to San Jacinto Elementary kindergarteners next school year. It is part of the fraternal organization’s more than $750,000 public education commitment statewide announced on Thursday to targeted programs, like Raise A Reader in San Jacinto, and […]
April 12, 2012
The Inland Empire Public Schools Advisory Council presented their Public Schools Month Kickoff on April 12, 2012 at San Jacinto Elementary School (SJE), in San Jacinto, CA. The Masonic visitors were treated to tours around the school by students in the 5th grade. This included the schools new library, that was just dedicated […]
April 11, 2012
Operation Literacy Committee At Work Dave Hall, P.M. As the sun lowered in the west on the eve of last weekend, Div VIII committeemen sat at their laptops busily searching for photographs and icons that will convey the important message of our 2012 program Operation Literacy in partnering with the Grand Master’s project “Raising A […]
April 6, 2012
Each one of our degrees has a special value in helping us to understand what it means to be a Mason. And each of us may have a special degree that we like more than others. Some the First, others the Second, and still others the Third Degree. I would like us to take […]
April 5, 2012
Temecula Catalina Island Lodge presented a Golden Veterans award at their stated meeting on Monday, April 2, 2012, to Brother Ralph Wetmore. The pin was presented by the Master, Worshipful Anthony McLean, and Brother Wetmore’s wife of 43 years, Jenny. They were also joined by the Temecula Job’s Daughters Bethel #187, who prepared the […]
April 4, 2012
California Rainbow Girls had their annual convention, the past weekend March 31 – April 3, 2011, in Fresno, California. The theme this year was “A Rainbow Camporee in Nature’s National Parks”. The Grand Worthy Advisor was Megan Crowley, from Green Valley Assembly in Yucaipa. This years Grand Service Project was the San Diego Adaptive […]
April 1, 2012
Hello Everyone! Have you ever wondered what that "G+" logo was all around our site? Well today I figured I would write a short article explaining what it is and what it does… That logo you see belongs to a system that Google has implemented called "Google+1." This system allows the general public to rate […]