Golden Anniversary, 50- yr. Award is presented to Bro. Joseph E. Davis following Fellowship Lodge's dinner in honor of his half-century commitment to the Craft's principal tenents of Freemasonry: brotherly love, relief, and truth. Bro. Davis was,pinned by his gracious wife, Betty, as many friends and brethren express their affection with much applause.
Four other Golden Award recipients added their individual welcome to this unique band of brothers of the Lodge. Additionally, two other brothers were recognized for their 50- years of dedication to the Fraternity: Bro. Edward McCarthy, P.M. and Bro. James Doolittle. Due to family circumstances, they could not attend, requesting that their individual awards be mailed. Approximately 35- brethren and friends attended an outstanding dinner prepared by DeeDee prior to the award presentation.
Again, CONGATULATIONS to Wor. Bro. Edward McCarthy, Bro. James Doolittle, and Bro. Joseph Davis.
Dave Hall
Inspector 818th Masonic District
Tags: California Freemasons, division 8, Fellowship Lodge 668, freemasonry, Golden Veteran award