Over the past year, the familiar face of Evergreen Masonic Center has been under-going a significant perking up. Just drive in and you will see that the grounds are looking the best they have in years. The sign in the entry-drive got fresh letters and a coat of paint and the parking lot got a fresh blacktop, and the building has a fresh coat of paint .
As you approach the front door you will see that the big beams that had been coming apart at the seams have been repaired and the weather-beaten front doors are all freshly stained again. All of the windows along the dining room were replaced with double- tinted . The old windows had a tint coating that was pealing and several of the windows had cracks. These new windows are a better insulator from the sun too.
Our lobby and dining room have new carpet and the bathrooms have been completely re-vamped to meet the new ADA standard which meant that everything in the men’s room had to come up and move . Therefore, the whole room was re-tiled with a new modern look. The ladies room was also done . We had to lose one stall due to the space required for the new ADA stall, but both bathrooms now have hot water and a brand-new look. Even the drinking fountain had to be replaced with a dual –fountain to meet the new requirements.
The telephone cubby we had was lowered and the telephone now works again. The old library/ conference room has been converted into the office for the lodge and EMTA so all of the records can be properly stored . We even have wireless internet in the building now. The library will stay in the office but has been organized .
The big ADDITION being the two rooms built behind the lobby to the left and right of the fireplace which are glassed-in to be a conference room on the left and a media room/game room on the right. Both are equipped with their own air conditioners so the whole lobby doesn’t have to be cooled to have a meeting in the conference room. The same architecture was used in adding the two rooms to maintain that see-thru look… The media room will be getting a TV and furniture shortly. Both rooms are wired for media and internet ability.
There were a variety of other fix-ups including a new floor on the “stage” which had been crumbling away for years , a new counter-top from the kitchen window to outside patio and a new cart in the kitchen for all of the knives, forks and spoons replacing that old wooden green cart that had it.
The cell tower in the back yard , which is now a pine tree instead of the original palm , has been expanded . Due to the heavy equipment required to service that system , an access road has been graded on the east end of the building to get to it. In doing that, the old hump that was originally there for the fire truck has gone away. As it turned out , the fire department didn’t want it anymore anyway.
Submitted by John Channon, P.M., Building Manager , Inspector
Tags: California Freemasons, division 8, Evergreen Lodge 259, freemasonry