Brother Haworth was honored at Evergreen Lodge in Riverside for his 50 years of membership at a dinner and presentation on November 7, 2012. The honoree was escorted to the East to be pinned by his Grandson Tanner and then conducted to a place between the pillars to commemorate his journey in the Lodge. A biography of Brother Haworth was presented by Inspector, John Channon and the certificate was presented by Master, Greg Covel. After receiving his honors , the brother spoke about his participation on the Building Committee back in the 70s when the plans for the new building were being formulated. He conveyed fond memories of Wor. Stan Channon, Chairman, and many of those who served on that committee.
John Channon P.M.
Inspector of the 822nd Masonic District
Tags: 50 Year Pin, California Freemasons, division 8, Evergreen Lodge 259, freemasonry, Golden Veteran award