On Friday evening, August 31, 2012, M. W. Frank Loui and many
of the Grand Lodge officers were at Menifee Valley Lodge #289, Sun City,
on the occasion of the Lodge's 125th Anniversary. A dispensation authorizing
Elsinore Lodge U. D. to meet was issued September 1, 1887. On September 1, 2005,
Elsinore #289 and Perris #411 consolidated to form Menifee Valley #289.
Dinner was prepared by Brother Jeff Barba, who is a professional chef and
the Junior Deacon of Menifee Valley Lodge, and was served by six members
of Bethel #165, Sun City, I. O. J. D. and six students from Nuview Bridge
Early College High School with which Menifee Valley Lodge is partnered.
As part of the 125th celebration, the Grand Master, ably assisted Worshipful Jerry L. Donathan, the Master of Menifee Valley Lodge, as he unveiled
the new cornerstone of rose granite, that will soon to be installed on the front of the
lodge building.
Frank Postmus, PM
Fellowship Lodge #668, in Yucaipa, has been in the midst of an extensive rebirth. From the Lodge building to their activities, they have been making big changes. They have recently painted the outside of the building, resurfaced and marked the parking lot and they have refurbished their Masonic emblem on the outside of the building.
The Lodge has also been working on having more exposure in the community. They are currently manning a child ID booth every Friday evening at the Yucaipa Market Night, a local community event that is put on by the Yucaipa Chamber of Commerce August thru October. They started several Fridays ago and will continue well into September, and maybe even October. The City of Yucaipa loves the Masons' presence.
Come by, see the new look of the Lodge and visit them for a degree.
Dave Hall P.M. District Inspector 818th
See the video for more information about upcoming events in Division 8. We also have information for an event in Division 7. If you have any questions, please contact the AGL, Frank Lee at allcingeye@aol.com. If you would like an upcoming event at your Lodge featured on our site, please send the information to my email address.
Frank Lee – AGL Division 8
During our Division 8’s Operation Literacy program this year, we were treated with a collage of some of the Division’s events in the past few years, that was compiled by John Channon, P.M. and Inspector of District #822. These were just a few of the events that Lodges participated in, not only in the Lodge but in their communities. Since the completion of this year’s Operation Literacy, we have added some photos from this event. We hope you enjoy looking back at these events that show that our Division is striving to show that we as Mason’s have been, and will continue to be active participants in the lives of our members and the community at large.
Remember to submit photos and captions of your Lodge’s events, in the coming year, so that they can be added to the story of Freemasonry in Action. To see the video of the entire 2012 Operation Literacy event, see the article above “2012 Event was a success!”
Franklin R. Lee
A.G.L. Division 8
W.M. Cara Sung and W.P. Slade Smiley made presentations after a catered spaghetti dinner on August 6 honoring three recipients: Don Young, Lynnette Channon and Kelly Padilla. Over 55 people attended coming from various chapters. All three recipients were heralded for going “above-and-beyond” in their service to the family of freemasonry and their community.
Don Young (a 3x Past Master) received a service award for being chairman of Ungava’s Board of Trustees, his work with the Collier reading program, volunteer teacher’s aid for 14 years, and his support of the programs at Scottish Rite and Shrine hospitals. Bill Roland, P.P gave his bio.
Lynnette Channon, DGG, received a service award for her 14 years of service in Jobs Daughters, cooking the meals for various Masonic groups including Hi12 for over 7 years, her help as dining room chairperson on several occasions for OES, and her volunteer work with American Cancer Society helping cancer survivors. Cara Sung deemed her the matriarch of Evergreen. Barbara Johnson gave her bio.
Kelly Padilla was the recipient of the Rob Morris award (the highest recognition that can be given to a member) because of her work with Relay for Life as State Chairperson for California Eastern Star as well as her work with the Masonic youth and her “Packages from Home” program for soldiers overseas. Pam Davis gave Kelly’s bio.