Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

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163rd Annual Communications

posted by admin
October 4, 2012



Lewrana and I flew to San Francisco on Wednesday, September 19th to prepare for this year’s Annual Communications. San Francisco greeted us with lovely blue skies and 70 degree weather, which was a welcome change from the 90 degree weather we had in Riverside. We enjoyed a delightful Italian dinner that evening with the other Assistant Grand Lecturers and their wives. On Thursday we met with the Grand Lodge officers and their wives for a review of the weekend’s activities, which was followed by a ritual practice for the Grand Lodge officers. The members of the Grand Lodge family shared a great evening with lots of laughs and fellowship at the farewell dinner at the Italian restaurant “Original Joe’s” in North Beach.

Friday was a very historic day, for not only did the 163rd Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge of California open but we were able to see the space shuttle Endeavour circle San Francisco. We had just crossed the street from the Fairmont Hotel, where we had breakfast at their coffee café, to the Mark Hopkins Hotel, when we noticed many people pointing to the Golden Gate Bridge. And at that moment the space shuttle flew past the bridge. It was an amazing sight that I was able to record on my IPad. We were able to see it between the buildings as it circled the city. Some members from Palm Springs Lodge and Temescal Palms Lodge were in the “Top of the Mark” restaurant, at our hotel, and have some even more incredible pictures.

The Annual Communications were opened by Most Worshipful Frank Loui the Grand Master, at 1:00P.M. The afternoon proceeded with formal opening and various reports were given. Lewrana and I enjoyed a great Italian meal at the first reunion of Most Worshipful Bill and Linda Bray’s grand family.  We wanted to thank those that had invited us to their own special dinners they had that evening.

Saturday started bright and early with the business session beginning at 8:30 A.M. While the men got down to business upstairs the ladies were downstairs enjoying a box lunch, after which they boarded buses to attend this year ladies event, the play “Beach Blanket Babylon” at Club Fugazi in North Beach. I understand they all enjoyed the play, even though the women say it is a little hard to explain. Their refreshments at the play were sponsored by Acacia Creek.

The afternoon session included voting on legislation and the elections of the 2012-2013 Grand Lodge officers.  26 pieces of new and carried-over resolutions were discussed and voted upon. Many landmark decisions were made that will affect the future of our Lodges. The evening concluded with the grand banquet of the Hilton Union Square hotel. At our dinner table Mike Sekera, from Temecula Lodge, was able to procure an unending supply of rolls from our server and there was some serious discussion over who how to disburse the incredible array of desserts we were to share. It was a great evening that we enjoyed sharing with many members and their wives from our Division.

Sunday concluded with the public ceremonies and the Installation of the 2012-2013 Grand Lodge officers with Most Worshipful John Lowe as Grand Master. Congratulations to all of this year’s new Grand Lodge officers and to the two new Assistant Grand Lectures that have joined our ranks. We said our goodbyes to the many members of our Division and their wives that attended this year. We attended a dinner for the new Grand Family that evening and flew home on Tuesday afternoon.

I look forward to working with the Inspectors, officers and Lodge’s in the Division this new Grand Lodge year.

Frank Lee

Assistant Grand Lecturer Division 8

Great BBQ At Fontana Lodge No. 653

posted by admin
October 3, 2012


I had the pleasure to attend the deep pit bar-b-que at Fontana Lodge, after the Officer’s School of Instruction in Palm Springs, on Saturday, September 15th. The food was delicious and I again complemented them on the updating they have done to their Lodge. Here are a few pictures of the new floor they have installed in their Lodge room. Replacing the carpet with tile will allow them to use this as additional rental space in the future.

Submitted by: Frank Lee – Division 8 AGL


The “Hiram Award Program” is the official recognition of a Brother by his own Lodge for his devoted service to that Lodge and to Masonic principles in general. It is intended for the Brother who, year after year, displays his devotion without receiving special recognition or special honor. Every Lodge has many such members. They are the living cement that binds our Fraternity into a true Brotherhood. You will find them at labor in kitchens, the coaching rooms, the committees, their churches and communities – anywhere that a true and steady hand of assistance is needed.

The Hiram Award was designed to be presented to the “unsung hero” of every Lodge such as the volunteer who makes the coffee at each meeting, the one who sets the tables or arranges the furniture and ornaments in the Lodge room, the painter, the gardener, the handyman, the organist, the program chairman or any number of outstanding Brethren who consistently donate their time and talents to our beloved Fraternity or who have brought credit to the Craft by their community activities. The Hiram Award was launched in February of 1977 at Galt Lodge No. 267. That first year only one Hiram Award was presented. But it quickly caught on and in 1978 forty were presented and in 1979 two hundred and fifty were presented. By 1980, nearly all Lodges participated in granting a Hiram Award. The Brother who has been selected as a Hiram Award recipient is being singled out as your individual Lodge’s choice. This is the highest honor which can be bestowed upon a member that has unselfishly given of his time, talents and energy for the betterment of his Lodge and Freemasonry. The real warmth and pleasure of being chosen for this special honor is most satisfying, because it comes directly from the Brethren and friends he has accumulated within his community.

Temescal Palms Lodge #314 has chosen for its 2012 recipient for this prestigious award, Worshipful Brother Daniel J. Malinowski. Dan was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on June 6, 1960 in Tadmor Lodge #923, Queens, New York. He severed as its Master in 1969. Dan spent many of his early Masonic years traveling and working for the Mobil Oil Corp. When Dan finally settled down he did so in Corona and found his way to our humble lodge and we have been made better for it. Dan and his wife Evie have found a home at Temescal Palms and Dan started helping from day one and has not stopped. Dan is also a senior DeMolay and a Scottish Rite Mason of the Valley of Alexandria, Orient of Virginia. Dan, from day one, has helped out in the kitchen and has become our go to guy for dinners. He also helps whenever needed in our ritual, giving us a taste of New York ritual from time to time. Dan has been a constant help with educating and coaching our Candidates. Dan also helps with the operation of the Temple and the lodges Trustees.

Dan Malinowski exemplifies what it means to be a Mason, and I applaud him and welcome him to the ranks of those who cannot say no.

Congratulations Worshipful Brother Daniel J. Malinowski, Temescal Palms Lodge #314, 2012 Hiram Award recipient.


Submitted By:

Walter E. McCurry


Temescal Palms Child ID Event

posted by admin
September 17, 2012


Temescal Palms Lodge #314 held a Child ID program in the Old Navy Store at The Crossings Center, in Corona on Saturday the 15th.  Identification sheets were made for 41 children during the course of the afternoon. Our Lodge believes this program is an excellent way to get visibility in the community and an opportunity for community service, even though the Grand Lodge no longer supports this program.

Submitted by,

Jim Nighswonger P.M.


Fellowship Lodge Raises New Master Mason

posted by admin
September 17, 2012


Last Tuesday, 9-11-12, Fellowship Lodge No. 668 raised Brother Don Evans to the sublime degree of Master Mason with many of his brethren present on the sidelines. After the Secretary's presentation of the gift of The Holy Writings from his lodge brethren, and Lodge having been closed in due form, many brethren gathered for a lodge photo and later proceeded to the dining room for refreshments where Brother Ryan's wife and children were waiting to congratulate him.

The Lodge officers provided a well-practiced presentation of the third degree with the assistance of a few brethren from Redlands Lodge No. 300, Coachella Lodge No. 476, and Moreno Valley Lodge No. 804.  Worshipful Snyder gave the Master's Lecture. Then, after the charge was delivered by Worshipful Raul Tito of Redlands Lodge, Worshipful Sean Baldwin, Master, congratulated and welcomed our brother into the Fraternity and Fellowship Lodge.

Dave Hall, Inspector 818th Masonic District

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