Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

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On the evening of Tuesday, November 13th, the Third Annual Public Service Appreciation Awards Ceremony was held at Temescal Palms Lodge #314, F&AM, located at 2313 South Main Street in Corona, California. The event honored public servants who go beyond their regular duties and give of themselves to the community with dinner and an award ceremony to present plaques and certificates of appreciation from the Masonic Lodge and City of Corona.

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. The purpose of Masonry is to find good men and make them even better. Masonry is premised upon the core values of brotherly love, truth and relief. The fraternity is actively involved in the community via charitable works and donations. In the United States alone, Freemasons donate over two million dollars each day to charity. The current 2012 Worshipful Master Robert Burger continued the tradition of the event that began two years ago during the tenure of past master Wor. Terri O’barr, retired firefighter from Long Beach Fire Department.

The event was again organized by two outstanding master masons, Chairman Michael Ackerman and Co-Chairman Scott Collins. In addition, the evening event was again hosted by master mason Paul Netland who served as Master of Ceremonies. The ceremony was again strongly supported by and attended by City of Corona Mayor Eugene Montanez. Also in attendance was both the Fire Chief for  Corona Fire department John Medina and Corona’s Chief of Police Michael E. Abel .

The events honorees were two outstanding women Lynn Mata ,Corona Fire Department and Lieutenant Shawn Dredla, Corona Police Department.

Ms. Lynn Mata, Emergency Services Coordinator, was nominated by the Corona Fire Department for her loyal and exemplary work ethic. Mata is not only the “go to” person for the city of Corona emergency response but is the liason to emergency services personnel and disaster relief programs nationwide. Fire Chief John Medina was very proud of the example set by recipient Lynn Mata and in her humble demeanor in receiving the award.

Lt. Shawn Dredla from the Corona police department recently retired after 30 years of excellence and dedication.  Lt. Dredla founded and supervised a Peer Support program for Corona police officers for over 20 years. In addition, she is a member of Soroptimist International of Corona and active community leader.  Police Chief Abel provided testimony to Dredla’s success in balancing life on the police force with a successful family life. Lt. Dredla’s husband and son attended the dinner and award ceremony to show support and appreciation.

Our appreciation and gratitude goes out to Temescal Palms Lodge No. 314, F&AM, City of Corona, the Mayor of Corona, and the Corona Fire and Police Department personnel who collaborated and dedicated time and resources into making this important community event a special celebration of excellence and pride. We look forward to continuing this tradition for years to come.

Submitted By:

Mastor Mason Scott Collins, Installed Marshall at Temescal Palms Masonic Lodge 2012


Brother Haworth was honored at Evergreen Lodge in Riverside for his 50 years of membership at a  dinner and presentation on  November 7, 2012. The honoree was  escorted  to the East  to be pinned by  his Grandson Tanner and then conducted  to a place between the pillars to commemorate his  journey  in the  Lodge. A biography of  Brother Haworth was presented  by  Inspector, John Channon and the certificate was presented by Master, Greg Covel. After receiving his  honors , the brother  spoke about  his  participation on the Building Committee back  in the 70s when the plans for the new building were  being formulated. He conveyed  fond  memories of  Wor. Stan Channon, Chairman, and many of those  who served on that committee.

John Channon P.M.

Inspector of the 822nd Masonic District


On Thursday, October 18, 2012, Menifee Valley Lodge #289 of the 826th Masonic District, held its 17th Annual Brother Vick Knight, Ed.D., Commemorative Constitution Contest. The High Schools competing this year were: Elsinore HS, Wildomar; Lakeview HS, Lake Elsinore; Nuview Bridge Early College HS, Nuevo; Paloma Valley HS, Menifee;  and Perris HS, Perris.

After each team had the opportunity to answer 16 questions, Elsinore HS and Lakeview HS ended at the top in a tie. In the run-off, Elsinore HS won for the 8th consecutive year. What a record! Our hats are off to the students and their faculty advisor, Mr. Wil Hernandez.

The Elsinore HS team received certificates good for 4 large pizzas from Papa John’s and a gold medallion identifying them as first place winners. All 25 students also received a gift card from Wendy’s Hamburgers good for $5 in food purchases, and a certificate of accomplishment, and the members of the runner-up teams also received gold medallions identifying them as contestants.

Team from all five competing high schools voiced the same sentiment, “We can’t wait for next year!”

Frank Postmas, PM –  Quizmaster



Redlands Lodge No. 300 raised Brother Silver Montero to sublime degree of Master Mason. Palm Springs Lodge No. 693 raised Brothers Dan Woodman, Michael Bord and Nathan Romero to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Congratulations to both lodges and to the new brothers. Photos submitted by Dave Hall Inspector of the 818th Masonic District and Luther Wood Master of Palm Springs Lodge 693. ( i )Click on the icon in the upper left hand corner of the picture for more information about each picture.



Members from Fellowship Lodge  #668, High 12, Order of  Eastern Star, DeMolay, International Order of the  Rainbow for Girls and Golden Slipper, honored DeeDee Kelly with a potluck dinner and presented her a plaque of appreciation for 10-years of service as chef and facility caretaker. DeeDee is also a member of OES and her son is a member of the DeMolay Chapter.

Dave Hall

Inspector 818th Masonic District


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