The First Annual Gingerbread contest by Job's Daughters Bethel No. 264 of Evergreen Lodge was held on December 5, 2012. Each table had a great gingerbread house to decorate (provided by Pete Servantes a member of Evergreen Lodge).With theme's like: What were you thinking? Country Christmas, Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star, Most Jobs, Most decorated, etc; everyone had a great time
decorating their house. W. Frank Lee, was the judge and everyone went home with a prize and a certificate.
'Lynnette Channon
Golden Anniversary, 50- yr. Award is presented to Bro. Joseph E. Davis following Fellowship Lodge's dinner in honor of his half-century commitment to the Craft's principal tenents of Freemasonry: brotherly love, relief, and truth. Bro. Davis was,pinned by his gracious wife, Betty, as many friends and brethren express their affection with much applause.
Four other Golden Award recipients added their individual welcome to this unique band of brothers of the Lodge. Additionally, two other brothers were recognized for their 50- years of dedication to the Fraternity: Bro. Edward McCarthy, P.M. and Bro. James Doolittle. Due to family circumstances, they could not attend, requesting that their individual awards be mailed. Approximately 35- brethren and friends attended an outstanding dinner prepared by DeeDee prior to the award presentation.
Again, CONGATULATIONS to Wor. Bro. Edward McCarthy, Bro. James Doolittle, and Bro. Joseph Davis.
Dave Hall
Inspector 818th Masonic District
Alan Franks, received his Third Degree on November 13th by Past Masters of Palm Springs Lodge,in attendance were many past masters visiting from other Lodges.Palm Springs oldest Past Master John Abernethy at 90 years old did the east in the second half of the degree. The following Past Masters were William Bronstein 1960, Marvin E. Rudin 1971, John W. Abernethy 1984, Mark N. Gibson 1990, Charles R. Ash 1996, Jeffery M. Bayer 1997, Philip B. Perrin, Veron E. Smith 2002, James T. Leighton 2003, James J. Nash 2004, William A. Sullivan, Sr. 2008-09, Julio "Cesar" Rubio 2010-11 and visiting Past Masters Clark Trafton Crest City Lodge, Creston, Iowa 1965, John G. Raney, Woodland Lodge #81, 1993 & 2005, Getald L. Chandler, old West lodge #813, 1998 & 2001 and The Right Worshipful Daniel L. Slavik Deputy Grand Master of the Grand lodge free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin.
Luther Wood – Master
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It’ time once again for our Annual Desert Retreat/Celebration. This has been a tradition in our Lodge for several years. The Master & I invite everyone to come out, participate, and have a good time. We will set up at the site we used last year. It is up on the mesa at the far West end of 22nd Avenue. It’s your choice whether you would like to come out for the day, the week, a visit, or just for dinner. There are no set times or pre-planned schedule in camp. We enjoy a little target shooting, off road and trail rides, walks in the desert, sitting around the camp fire, and all around good fellowship while out there. If there is an activity you would like to see included give us a shout and we will do our best to make it work. We were planning an excursion to an old abandoned town site but, we can’t find it. Seems it has turned into a ghost town!
New Years Eve, about sundown, is a potluck style dinner. Several meat dishes are provided and prepared. There is lots of room for sides and desserts, as well as any special dish you might like to add. If you are interested in helping out, camping out or just coming out for dinner or a visit please let us know as soon as you can. This will help us be sure we cook up enough meat to make everyone sitting around the camp fire very sleepy.
Please, grab a jacket, jump in the buggy and come join us for a good time, good meal, and good friends. Please call (760) 922-4001 or email and let us know if you can be there. Use the same contact information if you need directions, further information, or assistance getting there.
Joe Van Dyke, Inspector
Larry Wuertz, Master
The largest assembly of Past Masters in the 822nd district resulted in a fine evening on November 14. The event held at Evergreen Lodge began with a salad ,steak , baked potato, masonic beans, and a homemade dessert all prepared by Lynnette Channon and Greg Covel. Evergreen officers opened lodge earlier. There were 41 Masons in attendance with 21 being Past Masters from 4 Lodges: Evergreen, Riverside, Temescal/Palms, and Moreno Valley as well as one from Scotland and one from Nevada who are now affiliated with Lodges in our district. Past Grand Master , William Holsinger was present and was Chaplain; Lee Whelan led the first section as Master while Vic Ropac led in the second section, John Channon gave the lecture and Antonio Apostol , the charge. The candidate , Max Diaz, who wore tails for the event, was most appreciative of the opportunity to be raised by a group of all Past Masters. The officers for the degree were as follows:
Evergreen Master & MC Greg Covel
Senior Warden – Vic Ropac
Junior Warden – Jack Ree
Treasurer – Jim Mason
Secretary – Robert Gibb
Chaplain – Bill Holsinger, PGM
Senior Deacon – Gary Miller
Junior Deacon – Rick Emmons / Manny Blanco
Marshal (charge)- Antonio Apostol Jr.
Senior Steward – Lee Cleveland
Junior Steward – Bob Barden
Tiler – Drew Gilkey
King Solomon – Vic Ropac
Hiram of Tyre – Erdean Johnson
1st base – Jim Mason
2nd base – Rick Emmons
3rd base – Gary Miller
1st fellow craft – Chuck Scalf
2nd fellow craft – Lee Cleveland
3rd fellow craft (Senior Deacon) – Steve Morrison
Seafarer/Wayfarer – Dick Woods
Submitted by: John Channon Inspector of 822nd Masonic District