Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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There are no words so great that can express the loss and despair we feel at the passing of our Brother, Worshipful Mark Sandstrom.  Mark has given his talents and untold hours of service, not only to his church, our Fraternity, his Lodge but also to our Division.  Mark always had a warm smile and a kind word to all he came in contact with. I know many who sought him out for guidance and counseling.

Our sympathy, prayers and warmest thoughts are with Pamela , Erik, his family and all that knew him in this time of great sorrow.

His services were today, at the Covina Christian Church.  Many of his fellow ministers spoke about Mark’s life and accomplishments.  The church was overflowing with his many friends and loved ones.


Franklin R. Lee

Assistant Grand Lecturer  Division 8






Riverside Scottish Rite Club Held Annual Installation

posted by admin
February 12, 2013



The  Riverside Area Scottish Rite  Club  had their  annual  installation of officers  and  dinner  at  Flo's  restaurant on  Saturday,  Feb. 9, 2013.      Mel Tallon was the installing officer .  The  new officers  are :
Lee Whelan,  President ;  Robert Gibb, Vice President ;   John Channon,  Secty/Treas;   and  Directors  Jim Mason, Rick Emmons  and  Jim  Scribner  were  present  to be installed.
The  Riverside Area  Scottish Rite Club ,  celebrates  its  33rd  year  supporting the Speech Clinic at  San Bernardino Scottish Rite Temple.

by   John Channon    ,  Secty/ Treas.

Brother  James  Stocks  received  his  Golden Veteran (50 yr) Award  at  Riverside Lodge on Feb. 7,2013 .  His wife, Rosie had the honor of  pinning him.   Inspector, John Channon , officiated the ceremony with W.M. Steve Morrison and  Wor. Lee Cleveland  assisting. The  new, long-form,  ceremony was used  for the program which was  very appreciated by the  recipient, his wife , and the brethren and  families  present.
James  Stocks  began his  residence in Riverside in 1945,  spent 38 yrs  with  SCE serving in such places as  El Segundo,  Mojave,  Big Creek,   and  Rosemead working with  steam and hydroelectric plants,  then  another  12 yrs  as a consultant and instructor.
He was  raised  as  a Master Mason on  Sept 27, 1962.

John Channon ,   D8 reporter,   Inspector

Congratulations to Georgi Karakhanyan, Riverside Lodge No. 635’s newest Entered Apprentice.Georgi was initiated December 13, but had to postpone his masonic studies in favor of continued training for his big MMA fight in Tokyo on New Years Eve.Georgi handily beat Hiroyuki Takaya in a 3 round split decision.Georgi has been involved in Bellator and Tachi Palace as a professional MMA prizefighter since 2006. All of us here at the lodge are very proud of him and hope that this win is a stepping stone in his career and will allow us to celebrate future successes with this personable and friendly young man.In a New Years Day text conversation, Georgi seemed more concerned with getting back to lodge and studying rather than seeing the sights of Japan and enjoying the fruits of a Champion.

Must have got kneed in the head.

Lee Whelan

Riverside Lodge No. 635

Interesting YouTube Video

posted by admin
January 3, 2013

Hello Everyone!


As we were away for the holidays someone shared a video they found on the internet with the staff. We liked it so much that we wanted to allow everyone else to see it! Keep in mind we did not create this video. It was created by a Jason Eddy and the original location that the video was found was here: Thank you to those who shared it with us.



Happy New Year! Staff


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