The Shrine Circus is here, Friday April 5 though Sunday April 7. They are looking forward to a very successful Circus.They are adding some new rides, attractions, and food. There will be some surprises at the openings of some shows, too. See video for more info. or visit for more infomation on the Circus.
Temescal Palms Lodge has expanded it Widow’s program to include a personal visit to their homes. They will check on how they are doing and volunteer to help with any small projects they may need done. The first visit was on January 26, 2013 to Susan Skipper, widow of Dennis Skipper, at her home in Corona. She was very appreciative of the visit from the Lodge and they hope to get a work party together to repair some of her sprinklers.
The second visit, in February was with Betty Hillebrand. Their visit included many stories about her home land of Scotland, how she served in the Royal Army in World Word II, and her journey to the States. She was very thankful that they came by and is looking forward to having more visits from members of the Lodge in the future, and will have tea ready for them on the next visit.
Submitted by:
Worshipful Master, Micheal Padilla
On February 9, 2013, The Temescal Palms Masonic Lodge had its 117th Annual Valentines Sweetheart Dinner and Dance at the Lodge. The Worshipful Master’s Timelessly Lovely Wife, Kelly Padilla, who was the only person present who has attended all of the previous 116 Valentines Sweetheart Dance’s, has assured all that this by far was the best ever!!! This year the group was smaller, but the most fun people were in full attendance, and they were inspired by an out of this world menu.
The Chefs were Brother Richard Panazzo and his wife. The menu started out with Poached Pear and Candied Salad. I watched in awe as Brother Panazzo hand peeled the pears leaving not even the smallest detail to chance. The main menu consisted of your choice of Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Port Reduction Sauce or Poached Chicken Breast with white wine cream sauce. The main dishes were complemented by homemade mash potatoes and steamed vegetables. For Dessert, Mrs. Panazzo prepared fresh strawberries hand dipped in chocolate and decorated one at a time with artistic detail. The menu was truly inspirational, and lead to a night of merriment.
The Jobies served the hungry masses with happy smiles and danced the night away. Worshipful Robert Burger and his son were our Disc-jockeys and spun the tunes from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and more. They played “Single ladies” bringing the Jobies and all the ladies to their feet. Other songs that filled the dance floor included “The Electric Slide” and “Y-M-C-A” and those few that did not dance enjoyed themselves with the fun tunes and comic antics of those that really got into “Strutting their stuff!” Kelly Padilla supplied inspiration by tending the wine bar. Exotic reds and whites and even Champagne poured freely throughout the night. Before the night was through, a few even broke out in song.
Check the photographs for yourselves on Facebook. This was our best ever Valentines Dinner and Dance. Brother Panazzo assures me he had so much fun, that he will prepare the culinary delights again for us next year. So, plan in advance on joining us in 2014 for the next Sweetheart Dinner when we will make even more special memories.
Worshipful Master Micheal Padilla
Richard Bonilla received the Hiram Award at a dinner and program at Riverside Lodge on Feb. 21. After a roast beef dinner,the program began with the escort of Bro.Bonill, his wife Mary Jane, and sons.Wor. John Channon MCd the program with introductions and a story of the origin and meaning of the Hiram Award and Wor. Rick Emmons gave the biography. Mackenzie Denholtz presented statements from all three sisters remembering Br. Bonilla's decade of service to the Jobs Daughters Bethel as Assoc. Guardian. Master Steve Morrison presented the letter from the Grand Master,the certificate and turned the Hiram pin over to Mary Jane Bonilla to pin on and the medallion to their son to invest on his father. After remarks from the recipient, the evening ended with photos .
John Channon , Inspector
Evergreen Lodge, in Riverside, hosted a dinner and Big Band entertainment for our sweethearts. Our special guests were 12 of our lodge widows who were presented roses. Approximately 50 attended the dinner prepared by Lynnette Channon consisting of rolls; chuck roast, fresh mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, and cheesecake. Chuck Scalf chaired the committee with Vic Ropac, John Channon, and Greg Covel assisting. Keith Downs helped the committee set the tables and serve along with our Jobs Daughters, Bethel 264. Jeremiah Bayer-Smith headed up the dishwashing. An all-day prep culminated in an excellent meal followed by an hour of great music in the lodge room performed by the Riverside Swing Band (part of the Riverside Concert Band).
John Channon