Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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Contact Information

  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
To submit an article email here: 

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SoCal Masons Presents

posted by admin
May 14, 2015


Corona Masons Celebrate Public Schools

posted by admin
May 14, 2015



Since 1920, Freemasons in California continue to celebrate free, public education. Then Grand Master of Masons of California and Superintendent of Public Education, John Swett, declared the month of April as Public Schools Observance Month and urged all Lodges and the Brethren to conduct programs which support their local schools. Temescal Palms Lodge #314 Free and Accepted Masons in Corona has a long-standing relationship with the Corona-Norco Unified School District in this endeavor. The evening of April 28, 2015 saw Worshipful Master Virgil Mink and the Brethren honor eight students, one from each of the District high schools, Teachers of the Year, and other exemplary adult employees.  Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Brethren and Ladies of the Lodge, each student was awarded  two hundred dollars towards their future endeavors, and each honoree received certificates from the Lodge, City of Corona, State Senator Richard Roth, and Congressman Ken Calvert. Among those present were School Board members John Zickefoose, Cathy Sciortino, and Mary Ybarra; Superintendent Michael Lin, Deputy Superintendent Sheri Mata, Assistant Superintendents Sam Buenrostro and Lisa Simon, and Assistant to the Superintendent Linda White.

2014-2015 Grand Lodge Officers

posted by admin
May 11, 2015

Each year our Craft elects its leaders for the ensuing Grand Lodge Masonic year.  One of those leaders is the Grand Master who is provided with the privilege to appoint twenty-six Brethren who he believes deserves special recognition for their exemplary service to our Craft.  Below is a picture of our current Grand Lodge officers.  ATTENTION MASONS OF DIVISION 8:  Please note the presence of our current Division 8 Assistant Grand Lecturer, Worshipful GEORGE WHITMORE on the very left of the first row.

Out Going AGL Reception September 6, 2014

posted by admin
May 11, 2015

This is more than just a reception; it is a celebration of all of our accomplishments together. We began this joinery when I was Inspector and it continued when I was appointed Assistant Grand Lecturer four years ago. When I became AGL I saw the opportunity to blaze new trails for us as Masons, in our Lodges, our Districts and in the Division.

I saw a need to create a Division Facebook page for members to meet other members and to share successes. Next was the creating of the Division 8 Website, so anyone that was interested could be informed of the upcoming events and share news about the Lodges in the Division. This also provided a place for members who could no longer get out to their Lodge to feel that they could still be a part of the Masonic experience.

The biggest challenge I encountered was the need to unite all of the Lodges in the Division to raise funds for the Grand Masters projects. The Division 8 committee was formed so that members of the Division had the opportunity to share their talents and move Freemasonry forward into the 21 century. We took a bold step to create a face to each year’s project, by developing a video for each program that would provide a more heartfelt experience to our members.

All of these endeavors were successful, but the best compliment I can imagine to give to the members of Division 8 and the Division 8 Committee, is that you are all true pioneers, with true grit. To be a pioneer in America makes you a truly special person. Among a pioneers traits were independence, self-reliance, resourcefulness, individualism, and belief in the future. New opportunities stimulated initiative, energy, and determination to improve their surroundings not only for themselves but their families.  Pioneers are willing to face toil and hardship for the sake of opportunity and the search of something better. As most pioneers suffered  hardships we also suffered some of our own, with the loss of a valued  member of the team, Mark Sandstrom, we, like true pioneers push forward for the great opportunities that lied ahead.

I would be amiss not to mention our families, as they are also a part of this journey. I truly appreciate the sacrifices your families made by allowing you to devote so many hours to all of the Division’s projects.  I realize that they have responsibilities to their individual Lodges, but you also supported them to give their time and talents on the Division level. Thank you to the wife’s for their input and assistance over these past four years. Your special behind the scenes touches were really appreciated.

As we change AGL’s in our Division I want to wish George great success in the coming years. No one knows what will be said about the pioneers of Division 8 in the future. Let's hope it will be said that they were real visionaries and thought outside the box.

As my tenure as Assistant Grand Lecturer ends, I hope you are left with a true since of pride and accomplish and continue to be the pioneers, that I know you all can be. Never let the pioneer spirit die, continue to find ways to improve Freemasonry at every level. May you continue to have faith in your convictions and let your resolve be strong to serve the Fraternity. I leave you with a quote from John Quincy Adams. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

As I put together this short video, you are about to see, it became evident we had painted such a beautiful portrait together. I hope these few memories we have shared over the past few years, will bring a smile to your face and peace to your heart, as it has to me.

Former AGL

Frank Lee

Sorry for the slumber…

posted by admin
May 5, 2015

Hi Everyone,

The team would just like you to know that we are coming back from our long needed break.  If you have any events or communications you would like posted please email We will review and post all newsworthy events.

With the team coming back from break. We have decided to launch a new feature of articles called "Understanding your Grand Lodge." Currently we have a placeholder for where the articles will be posted. Stay tuned for more content!

Thank you very much for your patience. Looking forward to many posts to come.

Fraternally yours,

The Team.

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This site is not affiliated with the Grand Lodge of California.
It is a private site dedicated to helping the Freemasonry community and the communities within Division 8.