Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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Contact Information

  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
To submit an article email here: 

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Brother James N. Henley

posted by admin
November 1, 2015




Brother James N. Henley

Born: Sept. 29, 1929
Entered into rest: Oct. 15, 2015

His many life experiences included watching the bombing of Pearl Harbor, seeing the world and being shipwrecked off Guadalcanal as a Merchant Mariner with the Coast Guard, served in Korea with the Army.

Became firefighter, then Fire Chief, an EMT,
a pyro technician, He taught first aid, CPR and fire science. He and his family raised puppies for Guide Dogs of the Desert.

He was active in the 29 Palms Lions Club, was a Mason and Shriner and was charter member of the Joshua Tree Lions Club and Yucca Valley United Methodist Church.

All who knew him are invited to his memorial service at 10 a.m. Nov. 7 at Yucca Valley United Methodist Church on the corner of Joshua Lane

and Onaga Trail.
He saved and touched many lives.

Emerald Star's Fall Event

posted by admin
October 27, 2015

10:31:15 Emeral Star

We are one of the largest fraternal organizations that both men and women can belong.  Membership eligibility is the same for the Grand Chapters and Subordinate Chapters that are affiliated with the General Grand Chapter, OES.  Depending on where you live, the contact person varies.

Trick or Tri 5K

posted by admin
October 27, 2015

Trick or Tri 5K

Potentate's Lobster Fest

posted by admin
October 18, 2015

10:24:15 Loster Fest

Shriners come from all walks of life.

We are plumbers and professionals, salesmen and CEOs.

We are fathers, uncles, and sons.

We are also brothers.

When you become a Shriner, you become part of a brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and providing care for children and families in need. While our backgrounds and interests may be diverse, what binds us together are shared values and a desire to have fun, do good and build bonds that last a lifetime.

733 Masonic District Night at the Ontario Reign

posted by admin
October 18, 2015

10:23:15 733 Masonic District Night

Want to have a great night out with the masons in District 733 get more info from the calendar on the right for this event.

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This site is not affiliated with the Grand Lodge of California.
It is a private site dedicated to helping the Freemasonry community and the communities within Division 8.