Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

Follow Us On The Web!

Contact Information

  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
To submit an article email here: 

Upcoming Events

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With thousands of members across the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, and Brazil, Job's Daughters offers you a limitless array of opportunities. If you are a young lady between the ages of 10 and 20, and would like more information on how you can join in the fun, be sure to talk to your parents and then e-mail the Executive Manager at with your name, age, address, and phone number, and we will do the rest.  Remember to tell your parents that you are interested in joining, and that someone will be contacting you soon to give you more information.

Come Celebrate 50 Years Of Masonry

posted by admin
November 7, 2015

11:10 revised 50 year flyer 2

The Golden Veteran Award is given for 50 years in Masonry.

Chicken and Waffle Dinner Fundraiser for Bethel 140

posted by admin
November 7, 2015

11:8:15 Chicken and Waffle Fundraiser for Bethel 140


Founded in 1920 by Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick, Job's Daughters International is an organization of young women with members in the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines and Brazil.

Members have fun together at activities such as swimming parties, dances, family picnics, slumber parties, miniature golf, marching in parades and so much more. In Job's Daughters you will make new friends that will last a lifetime.

Job's Daughters perform service projects to help their community and the less fortunate. We actively support the Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment (HIKE) Fund, which purchases hearing assistive devices for hearing impaired children.

Job's Daughters can qualify for various scholarships that are offered on a state and national level. We also gain valuable leadership experience, serve as part of a team, and learn democratic principles as they run their own meetings, decide our own activities, and plan our own events.

In short, Job's Daughters International offers the qualities that today's young women want and need from organizations that earn their commitment: fun, friendship, helping others and the chance to learn organizational and leadership skills.

For information on how to join Job's Daughters, please contact the Executive Manager at Make sure you let your parents know that you are interested in joining.

Star of the Valley Installation of Officers

posted by admin
November 7, 2015

11:7:15 Star of the Valley Installation

2016 Officers Elect

Worthy Matron – Velma Pruett

Worthy Patron – Pat Janitell

Associate Matron – Susan Massey

Associate Patron – Curt Massey

Conductress – Suzanne Holland

Associate Conductress – Sandra McGhee

Evergreen Lodge 259 Halloween Night

posted by admin
November 1, 2015
The evergreen masonic family had a well attended halloween night Oct 28th.
Food and fun for all ages.
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This site is not affiliated with the Grand Lodge of California.
It is a private site dedicated to helping the Freemasonry community and the communities within Division 8.