It is again my sad duty to announce the passing of a very active and memorable member of our Masonic family. Brother Ernie Morris of the Pomona Masonic bodies has passed away. Ernie will be remembered with a Knight Templar Memorial Service @ Pomona Lodge – December 5th at noon.
Steve Alderete
Star of the Valley Annual Installation of Officers
Start of the Valley Chapter #648 celebrated their annual Installation of Officers with a standing room only Chapter room. The eveing was filled with wonderful memories and fellowship with old and new members. They look forward to and exciting year.
On November 7, 2015 Bethel 35 of Moreno Valley officially merged with Bethel 264 in Riverside. Girls from Bethel 35 signed the book in a special ceremony and welcomed into the Bethel 264 family. Riverside's Bethel 264 initiated 4 new girls at the previous meeting. It is now nearly up to a full line of officers.
Following the ceremony and meeting , they all journeyed to downtown Riverside and participated in an information booth at the Mission Inn Run. Several members also helped at the booth on Sunday, the day of the actual run. One Past Honored Queen of the Bethel participated in one of the runs.
Joe Bee, out Bee mascot paid a visit on Sunday morning, to the delight of the spectators'
John Channon