Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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Contact Information

  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
To submit an article email here: 

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Super Bowl L Hosted by Fontana Lodge # 653

posted by admin
February 5, 2016

FEB. 7, 2016 IMG_41911

Family BBQ and Potluck. Bring your family,friends and favorite dish. Kids welcome. Jumper and games.

Be Burn Awareness February 7-13

posted by admin
February 5, 2016


The kitchen is a wonderful time with your kids – preparing and cooking meals together can be fun!

But scalds and burns caused by outlets, stoves, and ovens can happen in an instant, so the kitchen is also one of the most important places to "Be Burn Aware".

During Burn Awareness Week (February 7-13), please review and share these tips on electrical, scald, and fire safety to help keep kids burn-free.

– Place covers on all electrical outlets.

– Unplug all electrical devices within a child's reach.

– Come indoors and stay there during an electrical storm.

– Lower the temperature settings on water heaters to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

– When filling the bathtub, turn on cold water first, and then mix in warmer water carefully.

– When cooking, turn pot handles to the back of the stove.

– Never leave food that is cooking unattended; supervise children's use of the stove, oven, or microwave.

– Keep matches and lighters locked up and away from children.

– Do not place electrical cords or wires under rugs, over nails, or in high traffic areas.

Al Malaikah Shrine's 2016 Potentate's Gala

posted by admin
February 3, 2016

Al Malaikah Shrine 2016 Gala

Burn Awareness Week is Feb. 7–13, 2016. Shriners Hospitals for Children will use the week to kick off a year-long campaign focused on teaching adults and children to “Be Burn Aware,” especially at home. Order free materials to help teach kids about burn prevention, including age-appropriate activity books and fact sheets:

Builder of Dreams-The California masonic Experience

To see this video click on the underline link.

Builders of Dreams The California Masonic Experience

Renaissance Cabala and Its Influence Upon the Craft.

posted by admin
February 1, 2016

Occult of Petsonality

We cordially invite you to an evening with fellow Brother Greg Kaminsky this coming Mon Feb. 1st. at 7pm. Topic: Renaissance Cabala and Its Influence Upon the Craft. 
This lecture is open to the public. 

Event Location: 

South Pasadena Masonic Temple 290 
1126 Fair Oaks Ave. 
South Pasadena, CA 91030 
(626) 799-2695 

*Business attire recommended. 

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