You are cordially invited to the Temescal Palms Masonic Lodge No. 314
Pancake Breakfast
A fundraiser for the upcoming Public Schools Night*
Saturday, April 9, 2016 7:30 – 10:00 a.m.
2313 South Main Street, Corona $12.00 per person – All you can eat
For tickets, contact any member of the Lodge or
John G. Dickman (951.735.3473/
* From early in our country’s history, Masons have been instrumental in the establishment and support of our system of public schools. Temescal Palms Masonic Lodge annually celebrates local public education with a Public Schools Night, honoring exemplary students, teachers, and administrators. This year’s event will be held at the Lodge on the evening of April 26, 2016, at 7 p.m. Please save the date and plan on joining us.
Providing books for a family who has none. Giving deserving students the chance to attend college. Being someone the community can count on: Together, California Masons do these things every day.
For the month of March we would like to remember our Senior Past Master, Wor. Dick Woods, who passed away on February 14th, 2016
Wor. Woods was born in Lubbock, Texas, on April 1st, 1926. His career as an educator began in Gruver, Texas, in 1951. He taught 7th and 8th grade in the town which had a population of 452. After relocating to Riverside in July of 1963, he enjoyed a teaching career which spanned 37 years.
Wor. Woods also worked in law enforcement. In 1961, while on assignment for the
Burns Detective Agency, he had an office in the Cheyenne, Wyoming Chamber of Com- merce. While selling tickets for Cheyenne Frontier Days, he met the love of his life, Helen, who worked for the Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce. Dick and Helen were married for 54 years.
Wor. Woods’ career in Masonry began on Sept. 10th, 1969, when he was initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason at Evergreen Masonic Lodge, he was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on Feb. 11th, 1970, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on May, 27th 1970. Wor. Woods served as Master of Ever- green Lodge in 1975, and as Master presided over the Ground Breaking Ceremony of our current Lodge on Chicago Avenue on May 7th, 1975, with then Grand Master, Most Wor. Burton Meyer, Jr. Wor. Woods has also served as Worthy Patron of Ungava Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, in 1977 and 1986.
On April 16th, 2008, Evergreen Lodge presented Worshipful A. Dick Woods with the Hiram Award for his many years of dedicated service to our great Lodge and the Masonic Fraternity. Wor. Woods was an invalua- ble asset to our fraternity, was still very active in our craft and we had the pleasure of having dinner with both Wor. Woods and Helen one final time at our Sweetheart’s Night on Feb. 10th.
The Spirt of Hiram is a dramatic presentation of the Master mason Degree. It has been performed by the pasadena Scottish Rite for decades and will return to our stage for one night only. It is a tiled performance for Master Masons only.