Temescal Palms Lodge has expanded it Widow’s program to include a personal visit to their homes. They will check on how they are doing and volunteer to help with any small projects they may need done. The first visit was on January 26, 2013 to Susan Skipper, widow of Dennis Skipper, at her home in Corona. She was very appreciative of the visit from the Lodge and they hope to get a work party together to repair some of her sprinklers.
The second visit, in February was with Betty Hillebrand. Their visit included many stories about her home land of Scotland, how she served in the Royal Army in World Word II, and her journey to the States. She was very thankful that they came by and is looking forward to having more visits from members of the Lodge in the future, and will have tea ready for them on the next visit.
Submitted by:
Worshipful Master, Micheal Padilla
Tags: division 8, freemasonry, masons, Temescal Palms Lodge 314, Widow"s program