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A Day Without Politics

posted by admin
October 16, 2019


OCTOBER 20TH – A DAY WITHOUT POLITICS By The Urgency of Civility – A Springboard for Action.
We understand how important it is to take time out of our lives to reflect upon our past so we can improve our future. Today, our political incivility has divided leader against leader, political party against political party, and most damaging of all, family member against family member. The family unit, the basis for a successful community, is being destroyed by many forces, not the least of which is the incivility experienced within the family unit when politics is discussed. We cannot allow this to continue. We need to find a way to learn that we can take a single day out of our lives to reflect upon our current environment and discuss anything OTHER THAN POLITICS, and then share that spirit with the world.
There is much going on within our communities, both good and bad, that is worthy of civilized discussion besides politics. This special day would be like a “mental sorbet,” whereby we can cleanse our minds from the ugliness of uncivil political discussion and look to the brighter side of life.
Centuries ago, Freemasons learned the value of not discussing politics within the walls of their lodges, and in doing so, experienced further inclusiveness that further encouraged successful fellowship. Let’s make October 20th of each year “A Day Without Politics” whereby we reflect upon our past and open our minds to see all the other good in our community in order to improve our future.
To make this happen, we invite:
(1) Individuals to save the date of October 20th so they might enjoy the solace that comes
from celebrating the good that is done within their communities without political
(2) Each individual to remind their family members, friends, neighbors social groups, clubs
and fraternities/sororities to do the same;
(3) Each local, state and federal government leader to join together in a bipartisan effort to
formally adopt October 20th of each year as their local, state and federal “A Day Without Politics Day;” and lastly,
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(4) The media to examine the goals of “The Urgency of Civility—A Springboard for Action1,” the “Masonic Family Civility Project2,” and this “A Day Without Politics” effort and, wherever possible, provide information about “The Day Without Politics” to the public so they might enjoy the benefits of an effort to make the world a better place.
Contact information:
Jack M. Rose, (909) 455-4799 (Cellular), Russell Charvonia, (805) 258-1037 (Cellular),
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Whereas, It is important to take time out of our lives to reflect upon our past so we can improve our future;
Whereas, Today, political incivility has divided leader against leader, political party against political party, and most damaging of all, family member against family member;
Whereas, The family unit, the basis for a successful community, is being destroyed by many forces, not the least of which is the incivility experienced within the family unit when politics is discussed;
Whereas, We cannot allow this to continue;
Whereas, We need to find a way to learn that we can take a single day out of our lives to reflect upon our current environment and discuss anything OTHER THAN POLITICS, and then share that spirit with the world;
Whereas, There is much going on within our communities, both good and bad, that is worthy of civilized discussion besides politics;
Whereas, Centuries ago, fraternities, such as the Freemasons, learned the value of not discussing politics within the walls of their lodges, and in doing so,
experienced further inclusiveness that further encouraged successful fellowship; and,
Whereas, We need find time to have a “mental sorbet,” whereby we can cleanse our minds from the ugliness of uncivil political discussion and look to the brighter side of life.
Therefore, Be it Resolved, That each local, state and federal government leader would commit themselves to support this effort by joining together in a
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bipartisan effort to formally adopt October 20th of each year as their local, state and federal “A Day Without Politics Day” where each of us concentrates on the other important and positive issues of the day.
Be it Further Resolved, That Individuals commit themselves to save the date of October 20th so they might enjoy the solace that comes from celebrating
the good that is done within their communities without political commentary; and lastly
Be it Further Resolved, That each individual should remind their family members, friends, neighbors social groups, clubs and fraternities/sororities to honor October 20th as “A Day Without Politics.
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